Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Novi Sad: Montenegro PM Marković meets with PM of Serbia’s Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Mirović

Published on: Feb 4, 2017 9:34 PM Author: PR služba
Novi Sad, Serbia (4 January 2017) — Montenegro’s Prime Minister Duško Marković met today, on the second day of his visit to the Republic of Serbia, with the Prime Minister of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Igor Mirović and the Mayor of Novi Sad Miloš Vučević in Novi Sad.

The officials welcomed the excellent political relations between Montenegro and Serbia and stressed that the economic potential should be developed further. In this context, the Prime Minister noted that the property of the Republic of Serbia and the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina at attractive locations on the Montenegrin coast should be utilised through additional investment and privatisation.

PM Marković said that the ties in the region should be strengthened and that the countries in the region should pursue shared interests together.

The officials noted the possibility for boosting cooperation between the Government of Montenegro and the province Government in Vojvodina. They agreed that a lot has been done to promote the Montenegrin minority in Vojvodina and they discussed further activities related to language and culture projects aid.

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