Government departments, agencies and public bodies
The Government
Government of Montenegro
The 44th Government of Montenegro consists of the the Prime Minister, seven Deputy Prime Ministers, twenty-five ministries, and a Minister without Portfolio.
Prime Minister
The Prime Minister represents the Government, ensures unified political activity of the Government, convenes and chairs the Cabinet sessions, signs the acts it adopts, coordinates the work of Cabinet members and performs other tasks determined by the Constitution and law.
Deputy Prime Ministers
The Government of Montenegro has seven Deputy Prime Ministers: for Security, Defence, Fight Against Crime, and Internal Policy; for Education, Science, and Relations with Religious Communities; for Political System, Judiciary, and Anti-Corruption; for International Relations; for Foreign and European Affairs; for Economic Policy; and for Infrastructure and Regional Development.
Secretariat-General of the Government
The Secretariat-General of the Government of Montenegro is in charge of preparing and holding Cabinet sessions, establishing and developing a system of coordinating and monitoring the harmonization of strategic foreign policy documents with other national strategic documents and/or the acquis communautaire, informing domestic and foreign public about activities of the Government, the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister; presenting strategic policies, capital projects and other significant activities of the Government.
Ministry of Diaspora Affairs
Montenegro's relationship with the diaspora - expatriates is based on mutual commitment and cooperation, providing assistance and strengthening mutual ties, while respecting the specificities and needs of all members of the diaspora - expatriates.
Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Northern Region Development
The Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Development of the North performs administration tasks related to: preparation and monitoring of regulations and strategic planning of systems in the field of ecology, sustainable development and development of the North; system of integral environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources; area of impact assessment and strategic environmental impact assessment, integrated pollution prevention and control; nature protection; air quality; climate change and approval and monitoring of projects that are implemented with the aim of mitigating the effects of climate change; protection of the ozone layer; noise and vibration protection; chemicals; radiation protection (radioactive substances and ionizing radiation); non-ionizing radiation; protection of land from pollution...
Ministry of Economic Development
Activities are directed at enhancing the competitiveness, investment environment and cooperation with business community. The business environment is continuously being improved, facilitating easier conduct of business operations for small and medium-size enterprises and strengthening the entrepreneurship. A business-friendly climate is being created, establishing preconditions that would result in development of a modern Montenegrin industry.
Ministry of Energy
The Ministry of Energy oversees the sectors of energy, energy efficiency and concessions. This includes the development of laws, industry regulation, establishment of energy policies, and project coordination.
Ministry of European Affairs
The Ministry of European Affairs is responsible for managing and coordinating the process of Montenegro’s accession to the European Union.
Ministry of Public Administration
In the Ministry of Public Administration, we create public policies that improve the system of public administration in Montenegro and implement digital transformation that should provide better quality and new digital services. For the good of all citizens of Montenegro!
Ministry of Human and Minority Rights
Ministry of Human and Minority protects and promotes human rights and freedoms, practises rights of minority people and other national minority communities, enhances protection against discrimination, improves gender equality, interethnic tolerances in Montenegro, intercultural dialogue and strengthening coexistence.
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
Making normative models and defining support models in order to encourage the development of agricultural production is a continuous process and permanent activity of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, implemented with active involvement of agricultural producers, NGOs, professional services and the scientific community through the active international support and cooperation.
Ministry of Maritime Affairs
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs manages the maritime transport sector. Activities related to drafting laws, determining transport policy, implementation of project activities, preparation and evaluation of development investment projects are within the exclusive competence of the Ministry. In addition, the Ministry is involved in the analysis of investment opportunities, cooperation with representatives of the private and public sectors, monitoring of current and developing transport policy, as well as inspection and supervision of regulations in the field of maritime transport.
Ministry of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and State Property
Ministarstvo prostornog planiranja, urbanizma i državne imovine vrši poslove koji se odnose na: pripremu i praćenje propisa iz oblasti prostornog planiranja i urbanizma, građevinarstva, legalizacije i inspekcijskog nadzora; svojinsko pravnih odnosa, državne imovine, premjera i katastra nepokretnosti...
Ministry of Tourism
The Ministry of Tourism performs administrative tasks related to: preparation and monitoring of regulations and strategic planning of systems in the field of tourism; tourist offer; business conditions in tourism, selective forms of tourism; connecting coastal and continental tourism.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs is committed to achieving and protecting the interests and reputation of Montenegro globally. It assists Montenegrin citizens living and working abroad or travelling out of the country, as well as provides support to Montenegrin trade and others legal subjects at international level.
Ministry of Health
The Ministry of Health, as the creator of the health policy and of the environment for its implementation, pays great attention to the development of medical technologies, procurement of modern and sophisticated medical equipment and devices, professional training and education of doctors and nurses, improvement of infrastructure capacities, construction of new health care facilities, and all with the aim to provide more efficient and quality health care to our citizens and to create a better environment for the work of health workers.
Ministers without Portfolio
Administrative Bodies
Tax Administration
Tax Administration is one of most important institutions in the system of public administration, whose effiency contributes to the stability of public finances and realisation of the needs of our society as a whole.
Due to its committment to adopting the best international practice and standards, Tax Administration invests in IT capacities development and modernisation of business processes, with the aim of efficient tax and customs collection, sanctioning of all forms of illegal business and promotion of voluntary compliance.
Administration for Maritime Safety and Port Management
Administration for Maritime Safety and Ports Management
Game of chance administration
Uprava za igre na sreću vrši poslove koji se odnose na: odlučivanje o svojstvu neke igre, kao igre na sreću; pripremanje stručne osnove za izradu propisa u oblasti igara na sreću; davanje saglasnosti na pravila igara na sreću; vođenje registra priređivača igara na sreću; učestvovanje u komisijama za izvlačenje i pronalaženje dobitaka u lutrijskim igrama na sreću; vršenje kontrole osnovnog kapitala i depozita kod priređivača igara na sreću po potrebi, a najmanje jednom u tri mjeseca; izdavanje odobrenja za držanje riziko depozita za osiguranje isplata dobitaka kod posebnih igara na sreću...
Institute for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions
Institute for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions performs tasks related to: the execution of criminal sanctions, specifically imprisonment penalties, long-term imprisonment penalties, and juvenile detention; security measures that are executed within the framework of the law within the Institute for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions; educational measures involving placement in a reformatory institution; imprisonment penalties imposed in misdemeanor proceedings; measures to ensure the presence of the accused in criminal proceedings, such as pretrial detention; as well as other tasks assigned to it within its jurisdiction.
Administration for Capital Projects
Uprava za kapitalne projekte vrši poslove koji se odnose na: prethodne i pripremne radove, studije, istražne radove i investicione programe, davanje stručne ocjene na dokumentaciju za donošenje investicionih odluka, pribavljanje rješenja o lokaciji i urbanističko-tehničkim uslovima za pojedine objekte, a u vezi sa izgradnjom i rekonstrukcijom objekata primarne tehničke infrastrukture, objekata državnih organa, zdravstva, obrazovanja, kulture i sporta, kompleksa i objekata na atraktivnim turističkim lokacijama i drugih objekata koji su od javnog interesa i čiju izgradnju finansira država...
Real Estate Administration
Real Estate Administration performs tasks related to the property rights and legal relations on real estate, creation of real estate cadaster, administrative procedures as well as application and performance of legal and property rights within Montenegro
Transport Directorate
The Transport Administration performs tasks related to the following: management, development, construction, reconstruction, maintenance and protection of the state roads of Montenegro.
Other Administrative Bodies
Center for Vocational Education
PI Center for Vocational Education carries out the professional tasks of developing qualifications, analyzing and monitoring the quality of vocational education and adult education
CIRT has an important role in coordinating the prevention and protection against computer security incidents and other information system security risks on the internet. To stay informed about the latest recommendations, news, and updates, please follow our official social media profiles.
National Investigation Commission of accidents and serious incidents of aircraft, emergency occurrences which endanger safety of railway traffic, and maritime incidents and accidents
Radi istraživanja nesreća i ozbiljnih nezgoda vazduhoplova, vanrednih događaja koji ugrožavaju bezbjednost željezničkog saobraćaja i pomorskih nezgoda i nesreća, osniva se Nacionalna komisija za istraživanje nesreća i ozbiljnih nezgoda vazduhoplova, vanrednih događaja koji ugrožavaju bezbjednost željezničkog saobraćaja i pomorskih nezgoda i nesreća.