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Zenka- Négyesi: Montenegro will be a new value for the European Union

Published on: May 27, 2019 5:12 PM Author: PR service

Hungary's support in the process of Euro-Atlantic and European integration confirms the high-quality relations between the two countries as it was agreed at the meeting of the Minister for Human and Minority Rights Mehmed Zenka and H.E. József Négyesi Ambassador of Hungary to Montenegro.

Minister Zenka received today in an inaugural visit H.E. Négyesi with whom he discussed the integration processes of Montenegro and the important role that human and minority rights have in the field.
Minister particularly emphasized the contribution of Hungary during the NATO accession process of Montenegro. In the process of European integration, the field of fundamental human rights is an essential part of the most important negotiating chapter, Zenka emphasized and the role of the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights is becoming increasingly important.

We are constantly improving the normative framework for the protection of human and minority rights in accordance with international standards but we are aware that the harmonized laws are only half of the work. The most important thing is still ahead and it means the successful implementation of these laws, the minister pointed out. Zenka said that the area of human rights is not simple, but it is one of the most important. 
Being a representative of a minority in Montenegro Minister emphasized the importance of minorities as an important factor in all positive processes in Montenegro.

H.E. Négyesi thanked the Minister for the reception and expressed his satisfaction over the part of the path that Montenegro passed in negotiationing on joining the European Union. He stressed that the support of Hungary is not missing in this process as well. He said that the cooperation between the two governments is very good and that he is glad because of the direct cooperation of the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights has with Hungarian expert on minority rights, Mr. Istvan Lakatos, who contributes to further improvement in the area of human and minority rights in Montenegro in the last three years.

The interlocutors agreed that Montenegro should find itself in the most recent period in the family of the countries members of the European Union and that the support of the member states is very important in that direction.

Ministry for Human and Minority Rights

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