Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Realization of the project of the Human Rights Library started with the donation of the Government of Hungary

Published on: May 30, 2019 5:20 PM Author: PR service


mmpAccession of Montenegro and other countries of the Western Balkans The EU is one of the priorities Hungarian’s diplomacy that provides all the necessary logistical support to this process was pointed out at the meeting of the Minister of Human and Minority Rights Mehmed Zenka with members of the Hungarian delegation led by State Secretary in the mInistry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Sztáray.

Minister Zenka talked with members of the delegation about Montenegro's progress in the process of EU accession and expectations to be the first next member of the European Union.

Mr. Sztáray said that the work of Hungarian experts, who help in the negotiations of the countries of the region with the EU, one of the most visible manifestations of this political goal. The Hungarian government already provides direct professional help in the form of two experts engaged in supporting the improvement of negotiations with the European Union in the country, along with the strengthening of the capacities of the state administration of Montenegro. Their engagements are in the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and the Office for European Affairs.

The Ministry for Human and Minority Rights received a donation from the Government of Hungary in the form of thirty titles in the field of protection and improvement of human and minority rights, which are a direct contribution to the further strengthening of the Ministry's capacities. Books will also be available to interested professionals, students, academics outside the Ministry, because they are the first titles in the library of human rights

If the efficiency of the library is confirmed, Hungary will consider the possibility of further support in the form of new titles in this extremely important area for Montenegrin society and the overall accession negotiations system, since fundamental rights are an essential part of the most important negotiating Chapter 23.

The Ministry for Human and Minority Rights

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