Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Abazović pays official visit to municipalities of Plav and Gusinje

Published on: Apr 9, 2021 3:45 PM Author: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazović is paying an official visit to the municipalities of Plav and Gusinje.

During his official visit to the Municipality of Plav, Deputy Prime Minister Abazović met with Municipal President Nihad Canović and his associates.

Emphasising his satisfaction that he has the opportunity to pay an official visit to the Municipality of Plav, DPM Abazović stated that the Government of Montenegro pursues an integration policy and wants to change the approach of previous governments that discriminated against certain municipalities.

Noting that this area has huge natural potentials, such as the Prokletije National Park and Plav Lake, Abazović and Canović agreed that the possibilities of EU funds that finance large "green" projects should be used to launch the Plav Lake protection project.

The meeting discussed the current amendments to the Law on Citizenship. DPM Abazović said that it was a complete lie and manipulation of citizens by the Democratic Party of Socialists and its appendages that these changes to the Law on Diaspora would leave them without citizenship, and called on the Diaspora to spend summer vacation in Montenegro. DPM Abazović stated that the implemented electoral reform will be in line with the practice of the European Union and that the routine of one person voting in two countries will definitely be stopped.

During his official visit to the Municipality of Gusinje, Deputy Prime Minister Abazović met with Municipal President Anela Čekić and her associates.

DPM Abazović emphasised that Gusinje has a huge potential for tourism development, and that better infrastructural connections with the rest of Montenegro will bring a change for the better. In that sense, DPM Abazović emphasised the importance of completing the construction of the border crossing with Albania in Zatrijepče, which will reduce the distance between Gusinje and the Capital City to only 70 km.

Deputy Prime Minister Abazović and Municipal President Čekić also discussed the possibilities of using the EU Green Fund for arranging Alipaša's springs, as one of the most recognisable places in Gusinje.

Furthermore, Abazović and Čekić talked about the spatial planning issues, local infrastructure projects and current changes to the Law on Citizenship.

Dritan Abazović - Plav i Gusinje (09.04.2021.)
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