- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation COMMUNICATION ON RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT STATISTI...
As the official producer of research and development (R&D) statistics in Montenegro, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports is publishing key R&D statistics for 2019. The data collected provide all mandatory indicators with breakdowns defined in the EU Commission Implementing Regulation for statistics on science and technology (995/2012), in line with the methodological guidelines defined in the Guidelines for collecting and reporting data on research and experimental development (Frascati Manual, OECD, 2015). Data are produced within 18 months following the end of the year observed, and are published nationally and submitted to Eurostat. R&D statistics provide internationally comparable data on total R&D spending and R&D staff. Data are collected from reporting units – entities conducting R&D activities based on their financial and staff records. Data have been collected from units within four sectors of implementation: higher education, government, business-entrepreneurial and private nonprofit sector. The results of this survey indicate that total domestic spending on research and development in 2019 amounted to 0.36% of GDP1 , i.e. gross expenditures for R&D amounted to EUR 17,984,722. In 2019, 2330 persons were engaged in research and development activities in organisations, institutions and companies active in this field, including 1586 researchers, 495 technicians and 249 supporting staff members. Given that R&D activities represent only part of the work engagement of most employees, actual engagement is shown through the full-time equivalent, which is the ratio of hours devoted by one employee to R&D and the total number of working hours. In 2019, total FTE was 685, and FTE for researchers was 469.