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Coordination Body for Monitoring the "Europe Now!" Programme holds its first session

Published on: Jan 14, 2022 2:30 PM Author: Public Relations Service of the Government of Montenegro

All state administration bodies are fully committed and ready for consistent and indiscriminate implementation of the most important tax reform in Montenegro – it was emphasised at today's first session of the Coordination Body for Monitoring the Europe Now Programme chaired by Minister of Economic Development Jakov Milatović, President of the Coordination Body.

The manner of work was agreed at the session, guidelines were adopted and the tasks of administrative bodies and institutions in the upcoming period were specified, which was assessed as crucial for the successful implementation of the programme.

Starting from the fact that the programme is standardised to benefit both employees and employers, a strong belief was expressed that maximum social cohesion and responsibility in its implementation will be shown, for the benefit of society as a whole and all citizens. The programme enables an increase in employees' salaries and a reduction in the tax burden for employers, which will have an impact on increasing consumption and economic growth.

Representatives of the competent state administration bodies expressed their full readiness and commitment to the indiscriminate implementation of all new legal solutions, as well as that they possess all the necessary institutional and administrative capacities for strict control of the implementation of legal obligations. Also, intensive work is being done on adapting software solutions and their high-quality integration, in order to optimise the exchange of data between institutions and achieve efficient inter-ministerial and inter-institutional cooperation. It was stated that the state has all the necessary data, the analysis and comparison of which, at an early stage, can prevent and detect any possible abuse of new legal solutions.

The session agreed a model on strengthening the personnel capacities of inspection bodies through internal redistribution of tasks, so that all available resources could contribute to consistent and non-selective supervision over the implementation of all legal obligations.

Representatives of employers' organisations and trade unions expressed their readiness to support the "Europe Now" programme in partnership with state institutions, in order to eliminate possible dilemmas in fulfilling legal obligations.

Considering various aspects of the forthcoming obligations, all present members of the Coordination Body expressed their firm belief that there are no obstacles to the successful implementation of the Programme, which was assessed as a turning point and key component of future social and economic transformation of Montenegrin society.

Sjednica i konferencija za medije Koordinacionog tijela za praćenje programa „Evropa sad“ (14.01.2022.)
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