- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Economic Development CP6 Convergence Project
CP6 Convergence Project
Implementation of the CP6 Convergence Project - Graphic representations of designs
The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the Ministry of Economic Development of Montenegro jointly prepared a practice paper on the graphic representations of designs in line with the Common Practice (CP6) developed by the European Union Intellectual Property Network (EUIPN).
Tailor-made to the specificities of Montenegro, the practice paper also provides an overview of the Office’ quality standards and provides a clear and comprehensive explanation of the principles on which the practice is based. It will generally be applied by the Ministry of Economic Development of Montenegro and the intellectual property (IP) offices of the EUIPN.
The practice paper is a tangible result of extensive cooperation efforts led by the EUIPO to collaborate with non-EU Member States on harmonising and converging IP practices to strengthen IP alliances. The EUIPO, together with the IP offices of the EU Member States actively assists potential candidates for EU membership in approximating their IP practices through the EUIPN in a Team Europe approach.
The practice paper aims to increase clarity, transparency, legal certainty and predictability for the benefit of the users and examiners.
The document is divided into two parts: the first summarising the practice principles’ key messages and statements; the second providing a clear and comprehensive explanation of these principles. It also serves as a reference for all interested parties.