- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Economic diplomacy
Economic diplomacy
The Government of Montenegro has inserted economic diplomacy in its work priorities for 2021, recognizing the importance of attracting foreign investment and promoting economic interests internationally.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Directorate for Bilateral Affairs and Economic and Cultural Diplomacy, plays the central role in the institutionalized integrated model of economic diplomacy, as "contact point and support center" for all other institutions and organizations that have economic relations with abroad and promote economic interests in their line of work.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs coordinates economic diplomacy, supports and promotes export activities and foreign direct investment, provides information to all interested parties.
Export promotion includes supporting domestic companies with information on foreign markets and potential partners, establishing contacts with potential partners abroad, assisting in organizing customer-supplier meetings, participating in business delegations, fairs and forums. Mobilizing of foreign direct investments implies effective presentation of business opportunities for investment in Montenegro, in close cooperation with the competent institutions in the country, which is one of the key tasks of economic diplomacy.