European Union

Accession to the European Union is a strategic foreign policy goal of Montenegro. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a Directorate General for the European Union which, in close cooperation with the Ministry of European Affairs and other bodies/institutions and international actors, participates in activities aimed at monitoring EU policy and our integration into the Union. The focus of the activities are analysis, monitoring and active participation in the development and implementation of EU policy, within the framework of Montenegro's status as a candidate country for EU membership; preparation of official positions on the basis of which Montenegro presents itself and participates in joint activities with the EU within the framework of the European Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP); participation in the working group for the negotiation chapter 31, monitoring the political dimensions of regional cooperation within the Enlargement Policy and preparations for the meeting where Montenegro was invited as a partner country.

The scope of work also includes the cooperation of Montenegro with member states, candidate states and potential candidates in the process of joining and joining the EU; cooperation with diplomatic missions of other countries regarding the negotiations on the accession of Montenegro to the EU; monitoring the mechanisms of the European Neighborhood Policy, the European Partnership, the Black Sea Synergy as well as the Energy Community, the Transport Community within its scope of work and European Political Community, preparation of political dialogue and monitoring of the political dimension of regional cooperation within the European enlargement policy. Also, the integration of Montenegro is monitored in relation to cooperation with regional initiatives, processes and mechanisms that contribute to the process of European integration, such as the Growth Plan.


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