Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Meeting of Political Directors of ministries of foreign affairs and defence of member states and observers of US-Adriatic Charter (A5)

Published on: Mar 11, 2021 12:00 AM

The meeting at the level of political directors of ministries of foreign affairs and defence of member states and observers of US-Adriatic Charter (A5), was held today by video link. This is the first meeting within this year presidency of Croatia over this Initiative.  

Montenegro was represented by Director General for NATO and Security Policy in the Ministry of Foeign Affairs Vladimir Vučinić, and Director General for Defence Policy and Planning in the Ministry of Defence, General Mayor Rajko Pešić.

Further steps for strenghtening interoperability, resistance and readiness of A5 member states were discussed at the meeting, as well as future of the region in respect to Euro-Athlantic integration, so as security challenges in the Western Balkans.

Vučinić stressed that European and Euro-Atlantic perspective represent the only correct way for region’s future. In that context, he emphasized that A5 represents example of successful regional forum for promotion of Euro-Atlantic values and cooperation in Western Balkans. That demonstrates the fact that all members of A5, except BiH, have become NATO allies meanwhile. In that regard, Vučinić highlighted the readiness of Montenegro to provide political and practical support to the BiH, as well as to other countries of the Region, in upgrading cooperation with NATO, within frameworks of their national ambitions, so that it advocates the enlargement of A5 membership. Also, he stressed the importance of further progress of the Region in EU accession process along with need for mutual support towards implementation of necessary reforms aiming at closer accomplishment of common European perspective.

In context of regional movements, Vučinić stressed that current pandemic and its consequences have additionally strengthened the need for cooperation of member states and observes in A5. He particularly emphasized the significance of cooperation concerning the confrontation to hybrid threats. He accentuated that we should jointly face with attempts of undermining the democratic values in the region and credibility of European and Euro-Atlantic processes. In that context, he expressed the gratitude for valuable assistance that US provides to the A5 activities, states in the Region, as well as to the Europe, that signifies demonstration of transatlantic unity and solidarity.  

General Pešić stressed that US-Adriatic Charter has been demonstrated as substantial mechanism for improvement of cooperation in the Western Balkans, along with affirmation of values that NATO cherish. He also underlined that one of the important tasks of countries of the Region is reinforcing of national defense systems, so as that future efforts of Chapter should be focused towards achieving this aim, through joint military exercises and trainings, that will also contribute to the enrichment of interoperability and facilitate joint participation in international missions.

Pešić accentuated positive experience from shared contribution to the operations in Afghanistan, within the mission “Resolute Support”, while stressing that potential shared engagement within A5 in future NATO missions would have positive impact on regional cooperation, thus confirming our commitment and capacity to contribute to the peace and stability. While speaking about cyber security, General Pešić stated that cyber threats in the Region become more and more frequent and complex, therefore the most efficient way to confront them is shared action and cooperation, which implies also exchange of information in the timely manner.

Action Plan for Presidency of Republic of Croatia over US-Adriatic Charter for 2021 has been adopted. It stipulates holding of 24 activities on high and expert level, aimed at improvement of political and defence and military cooperation of A5 member states.

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