Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron writes to PM Krivokapić: France is standing by your side

Published on: Apr 7, 2021 6:00 PM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron sent a letter to Prime Minister of Montenegro Zdravko Krivokapić. We publish the letter from the French President in its entirety:


Paris, 2 April, 2021

Distinguished Prime Minister,

I would like to thank you for your letter and offer my best wishes for a successful term as the Prime Minister of Montenegro, following an unprecedented political change.

Rest assured that France is standing by your side to meet the challenges your country is facing, the pandemic, but also the challenges of strengthening the rule of law and economic and social development. As part of the French strategy for the Western Balkans, to which you refer, the French Development Agency (AFD) will launch its activities in Montenegro this year, with a project worth EUR 50 million to support the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises and municipalities, while respecting the objectives of sustainable development.

I fully support the European perspective of Montenegro and the countries of the Western Balkans. You can count on France's support in implementing necessary reforms. As you know, our Embassy, but also the French expert, who is at your disposal, are engaged in Podgorica for this purpose. In addition, the operational service, Expertise France, can be used, especially within European projects. It is already being used for the needs of a project to support the judiciary and the fight against corruption and organized crime, which I hope would be implemented.

Furthermore, I hope that our bilateral relations will continue to strengthen. The forthcoming visit of the Montenegrin Minister of Foreign Affairs to Paris will contribute to that.

As you suggested, I would be happy to discuss these different topics with you, either by videoconference or by phone.

I congratulate you once again and please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.

Emmanuel Macron

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