- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 25th Cabinet session
Press release from 25th Cabinet session
The Montenegrin Cabinet, at its 25th session held on 20 May 2021, chaired by Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapić, adopted the Proposal of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Protection of Competition. The essence of the proposed amendments is harmonisation with the Law on State Administration, but also the creation of preconditions for filling the management and the Council of the Agency for Protection of Competition. The new solutions enable a much greater choice of persons who enjoy a personal and professional reputation for the jobs they will perform, which will, ultimately, have a positive impact on the greater efficiency and rationality of the Agency's work. It is also proposed to abolish the position of Assistant Director of the Agency.
The Regulation amending the Regulation on the implementation and use of funds from the instruments of pre-accession assistance of the European Union (IPARD II programme) was adopted, which made certain terminological adjustments for already existing measures 1 and 2 (whose implementation is underway), detailed elaboration of measure 7 - Farm diversification and business development, and changes in the budget allocation in relation to this measure. The entry into force of the Regulation creates a legal possibility for publishing public calls on the basis of which in 2021 it will be possible for agricultural producers and processors to exercise the right to support funds from European Union pre-accession funds in the amount of more than 20 million euros.
The Cabinet adopted a Decision on amendments to the Decision on the formation of the Organising Committee for Montenegro's participation in the World Exhibition "EXPO 2020 Dubai". The Committee is headed by Minister of Economic Development Jakov Milatović, and the General Commissioner of the Pavilion of Montenegro is Prince Nikola Petrović Njegoš.
The Decision on amendments to the Decision on the checklist for export and import of goods was adopted. The changes refer to the technical harmonisation of the Checklist with the Regulation on harmonisation of the customs tariff nomenclature for 2021.
The Cabinet adopted a Decision on the cessation of serious market disturbances caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, which, after establishing that there are no disturbances in the supply of goods defined by the Law on Intervention Procurement on the Montenegrin market, repeals the existing Decision.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the possibility of adopting a partial Personnel Plan for state administration bodies and services of the Government of Montenegro.
The Information on the establishment of the "Innovation Associates" Programme was adopted. The draft text of the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media and potential private companies in the implementation of the Programme was accepted, as well as the draft text of the Confidentiality Agreement.
The Programme aims to provide professional support that will help in the implementation of government projects and contribute to the overall digital transformation in Montenegro. The Programme will develop cooperation between the public and private sectors, by hiring professionals from reputable private companies (domestic and foreign based in Montenegro) to work in ministries from six to twelve months. In this way, professionals with their knowledge, experience and expertise will help to transfer good corporate practices to public administration, especially in the area of digital transformation, project management, process optimisation, business organisation, etc.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on activities on the implementation of the project of connecting the electric power systems of Montenegro and Italy by submarine cable. The Information contains a detailed overview of both completed and remaining works, with the conclusion that the smooth implementation of this project, which is placed at the top of the list of priority infrastructure projects in Montenegro, requires maximum interdepartmental cooperation at the Government level and support of all institutions involved in resolving all contentious issues.
The Information on the activities on the implementation of the project of intensive revitalsation of the electricity distribution network was also adopted.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Montenegro and the United Nations Development Programme in 2020 and the payment of the regular amount of costs to the local UNDP Office. In accordance with the previously assumed obligations, the Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare is in charge of paying the regular amount of expenses of the local UNDP Office for 2020 from the current budget reserve, in the amount of 408,600.00 USD.
The Information on the conclusion of the Donation Project Management Agreement between NATO and Montenegro was adopted and the text of the Agreement was accepted. The Information states that the North Atlantic Council, at the request of Montenegro, on 7 November 2020, through the Pandemic Trust Fund, approved the PRTF A/02 project for the delivery of aid for the purchase of 20 ventilators and other medical devices to combat the COVID-19, in the total value of about 800,000.00 euros. The first package of support of 20 ventilators arrived in Montenegro on 4 November 2020, while the accompanying equipment was delivered on 1 February (thanks to the financial contribution of the Czech Republic, Lithuania, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, UK, USA). The total value of the first support package is around 370,000.00 euros. Due to the unavailability of devices on the market of medical devices, on 22 February 2021, the Government revised its request to NATO, which was approved and implies that the remaining funds of 432,970.00 euros would be spent on magnetic resonance and X-ray devices for Berane General Hospital. It was stated that the improvement of the technical capacities of the General Hospital in Berane, as a regional centre for the north of Montenegro, will solve the long-standing problem of citizens from the northern regions and reduce the pressure on the Clinical Centre of Montenegro.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the need to co-finance the regular programme activities of sports organisations in the second quarter of 2021. It is necessary to allocate 665,000.00 euros for the second quarter of 2021, in accordance with the stated priority and regular needs of sports organisations. On that occasion, the Directorate for Sports and Youth is in charge of paying the requested amount to the Montenegrin Olympic Committee, the Paralympic Committee of Montenegro and the national sports federations.
The Information on the conclusion of the Joint Declaration on the Western Balkans Agenda for Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport was adopted and the text of the Declaration was accepted. The Information states that this is a political document by which the countries of the Western Balkans will emphasise their common commitment to European values and the principles and vision of a stable and united Europe. The signing of this Declaration is another indicator of the EU's unequivocal support for the European perspective of the Western Balkans and the intensification of its engagement at all levels to support the political, economic and social transformation of the region, which was previously concluded by the Zagreb Declaration in May 2020. Taking into account the commitment of the partners from the Western Balkans for inclusive regional cooperation and thorough and strong implementation of the necessary reforms, it was assessed that a strong starting point was created for all future joint actions that will result from the Joint Declaration and Agenda.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on marking the 30th anniversary of Montenegro's ecological state, with a framework Programme of Activities. In anticipation of the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the declaration on the ecological state of Montenegro, it is planned to implement a programme of activities that will contribute to the revival of this idea, but also to reconsider further commitment to its adequate implementation. These activities should be accompanied by a strong media campaign whose main goal would be to raise awareness and knowledge of society about environmental protection for future generations. In that context, the Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism is in charge, among other things, to form a working team for the organisation and implementation of the Program of Activities and to submit it to the Cabinet for consideration and adoption. Also, all ministries are in charge of accepting the concept of reducing the use of disposable plastics and to join the regular monthly actions of collecting used paper and PET packaging for reuse and/or recycling.
At the proposal of the Ministry of Health, the Cabinet accepted the Request to pay overtime pay to employees of the Institute of Public Health for January, February and March 2021.