- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and State Property Public announcement for a climate change mitigatio...
Public announcement for a climate change mitigation specialist
The Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism is releasing a public announcement for a climate change mitigation specialist within the project ‘Strengthening Montenegro’s Nationally Determined Contribution and Adaptation Activities Transparency Framework – CBIT.’
Background information
Strengthening Montenegro’s Nationally Determined Contribution and Adaptation Activities Transparency Framework CBIT project is an opportunity to strengthen Montenegro’s capacities to meet new international obligations to monitor, report, and verify actions related to climate change. The project will support Montenegrin institutions meet these obligations and especially new transparency requirements under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. A parallel and complementary need, which this project will cater to, is to strengthen Montenegrin institutional and regulatory frameworks that are more aligned with the European Union’s Monitoring Mechanism Regulation for Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Emissions Trading System.
The expert will be hired under a consulting contract from October 2023 – July 2025 total working days 440 (20 days a month during that period).
Objective of the assignment
The overall objective and expected outcome of this set of activities is significant contribution to strengthened institutional framework for increased application of new methodologies, procedures, and guidelines in accordance to Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. New and additional capacities on methodologies, procedures, and guidelines for tracking climate change adaptation will be imparted. Focus of this specific assignment is on the Climate Change Mitigation tracking methodologies, procedures, and guidelines.
The focus of activities will be on supporting Department for Climate Change and the Working Group on Mitigation and Adaptation of the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) as the main stakeholders in charge of reporting on climate change and as well as the transparency framework.
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the direct supervision of the project manager, the expert will be in charge of the activities given in the terms of reference attached to this announcement.
Education and experience
• University degree – electric engineer; mechanical engineer; environmental science or related relevant fields with demonstrable previous experience in CC analysis, report preparation and cooperation with national and international CC institutions and projects. Advanced degree desirable.
• At least 5 years professional experience (preference will be given to candidates with more experience) with mainstreaming climate change issues into sectoral policies, previous experience in capacity building assessments, training program design and implementation of training programs, developing of MPGs
• Demonstrated experience in working with government partners and other stakeholders
• Demonstrated knowledge of roles and responsibilities, i.e. mandates of national institutions in charge of climate change
• Experience with the usage of various systems analysis methods and techniques would be considered as advantage
• Excellent social, communication skills and writing skills
• Mandatory knowledge of the Montenegrin language
• English language knowledge
Further information can be found in the terms of reference attached to the announcement.
How to apply
Applicants should submit:
- Application in the prescribed form (attached to the announcement);
- CV;
- List of references related to relevant experience;
- Confirmation of availability for the estimated time of engagement (attached to the announcement);
- Statement on the veracity of the data (attached to the announcement).
Note for applications of civil servants
Hiring a civil servant is possible only in the case of a very justified short-term engagement of civil servants from: state universities, research institutions and specialized state institutions with unique expertise. For such cases, decisions on the possibility of engagement will be made after the approval of UNDP.
The shortlisted candidate is obliged to provide a letter of approval from the institution in which he is employed, proving that the institution gives consent to the engagement and confirmation that he is no longer employed by the institution in question.
Evaluation of applications
The evaluation of the applications received will be performed by the expert commission formed by the Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism. The selected candidates will be invited to an interview with the commission. Candidates will be informed in writing about the decision of the commission on the selection of the best candidate.
Contract conclusion
Once the applications are evaluated by the expert commission of the Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism, the Ministry will sign a contract with the selected candidate for the purpose of his/her engagement within the project.
Application submission
The application with the complete documentation must be sent electronically until October 11th, 2023 at 11 AM, in both Montenegrin and English language, to the e-mail address jovana.drobnjak@mepg.gov.me with a copy to kabinet@mepg.gov.me, radovan.bojovic@mepg.gov.me and drobnjakjovana@ymail.com
The application documents in Montenegrin language can be downloaded at:
The contact person in the Ministry is Jovana Drobnjak, e-mail jovana.drobnjak@mepg.gov.me and drobnjakjovana@ymail.com
Applications that do not meet all the requirements of this announcement will not be taken into consideration.