Support of the Council of Europe and the EU in the implementation of reforms

Published on: Dec 19, 2023 2:45 PM Author: Ministry of Europen Affairs

The Minister of European Affairs, Maida Gorčević, met today the Director of Program Co-ordination of the Council of Europe Claus Neukirch. The topic of the meeting was the continuation of the implementation of the joint program of the EU and the Council of Europe “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey”.

Neukrich said that the goal of the Program is to support the countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey in fulfilling reforms in the areas of human rights, rule of law, and democracy, as well as in harmonizing with European standards, which is also a priority in the process of enlargement of the European Union.

He presented the results of the previous two phases of the Program achieved since 2016, pointing out that the third phase, which began in January 2023, will last three years and be worth 41 million euros.

Minister Gorčević thanked the Council of Europe for its support of Montenegro’s reform efforts in the EU accession process.

She pointed out that the areas covered by the Program are the strengthening of justice, the suppression of corruption, the fight against discrimination, and the protection of vulnerable groups, as well as the promotion and protection of freedom of expression and freedom of the media at the core of the negotiation process, but also the basis of the democratic development of every society.

“Reforms in the area of the rule of law are a priority of this Government. The results in chapters 23 and 24 are for us more than obligations on the way to EU membership. They are the backbone of democracy and the driver of the economic and overall social progress of Montenegro. This is precisely why we are determined to make the best use of all available expert and financial support from the EU and international institutions and partners so that by the end of this Government’s mandate we will have a healthy and orderly society ready to join the family of the most developed European states,” said Gorčević.

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