- Government of Montenegro
The strategic goal of cross-border cooperation is to promote reconciliation, build trust, and foster good neighborly relations by establishing connections between beneficiary countries, local governments, and society. Within the IPA III programming period, the Ministry of Finance – Directorate for management of the EU pre-accession funds structures (DMS) is participating in a strategic project funded by the South Adriatic program.
The total project value amounts to 4,498,540.98€ (including the EU contribution and the required national co-financing provided by each project partner), while the project value allocated to the Ministry of Finance – Directorate for management of the EU pre-accession funds structures is 721,532.00€.
Project start date: 01/07/2023 Project end date: 31/12/2027
The project includes two Italian regions (Apulia, which is also the lead partner, and Molise), the Albanian State Agency for Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination, and, on the Montenegrin side, the Directorate for management of the EU pre-accession funds structures and the Ministry of European Affairs.
The purpose of the project is the digitalization of public administration systems through territorial cooperation and the exchange of experiences between Italy, as an EU member state, and Albania and Montenegro, as EU candidate countries, with a focus on digitalization in the management of EU funds.
Program Structure/Bodies
The program is implemented through a shared management model, which includes common management bodies: the Managing Authority, the Certifying Body, and the Joint Monitoring Committee, as well as national bodies: the National Program Coordinator and the First Level Control.
On the Montenegrin side, the bodies involved in program management include the National Authority (Ministry of European Affairs), which oversees program implementation, and the Ministry of Finance - Directorate for Financing and Contracting of EU Assistance Funds, First Level Control Directorate, which monitors the eligibility of costs for Montenegrin beneficiaries.
Operational Information and Meetings
Project activities began in 2022, starting with project proposal writing, followed by activity planning, procurement planning, and budget drafting, including finalizing contracts and starting operational implementation.
The lead partner signed the Subsidy Agreement in January 2024 (11/01/2024), but the eligibility period (which defines cost eligibility for project implementation) started in July 2023.
Based on the signed Subsidy Agreement, the lead partner signs a Partnership Agreement with other project partners. The Ministry of Finance - Directorate for management of the EU pre-accession funds structures (MoF-DMS), as one of the project partners, signed this agreement in February 2024 (02/02/2024).
A series of online meetings were held in 2022 and 2023.
The first Project Steering Committee meeting was held in Bari, Italy, in September 2023.
In 2024, two online meetings were held: on 04/07/2024 and 17/09/2024.
The second Project Steering Committee meeting and a workshop organized by the Joint Technical Meeting were held in Bari, Italy, in September 2023.
A meeting of all project partners was held in Bari, Italy, in October 2024.
In 2025, two online meetings have been held so far: on 23/01/2025 and 21/02/2025.