Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Video campaign Potpisujem (I sign) - part of Government's activities

Published on: Mar 12, 2021 11:45 AM Author: Public Relations Service of the Government of Montenegro

The Government of Montenegro headed by Zdravko Krivokapić marks the first 100 days of work.

Although a short period of time is behind us, we have achieved significant progress in all departments.

On the occasion of 100 days of work, Prime Minister Krivokapić answered questions from the public via Twitter, and yesterday he addressed the nation and held a press conference.

In order to better present to the citizens of Montenegro the effects in individual departments, their missions and plans, we implemented a video campaign "Popisujem" (I sign).

We are starting to broadcast a series of 12 videos today. The videos will be visible on our social media accounts, the portal of the Government and ministries, as well as the Government's YouTube channel. Video material and accompanying text will be delivered to the media.

Video kampanja „Potpisujem” - dio aktivnosti Vlade (12.03.2021.)
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