
Diplomatic Missions to Montenegro and visa regimes for citizens of Montenegro

Table of Contents:

Diplomatic Mission of Azerbaijan in Podgorica

ul. Skoj-a 32, 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora
+382 20 281 181
+382 20 281 182

Diplomatic office of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Podgorica

Skoja 32, 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora
+382 20 281 181
+382 20 281 182
For countries marked with asterisk (*), there is no resident mission.

Visa regime

Montenegrin citizens, holders of ordinary passports, are required to obtain a visa to enter Azerbaijan. Visas may be obtained online via application Montenegrin citizens, holders of diplomatic and service passports, are required to obtain a visa to enter Azerbaijan. 

NOTES: After approval, the electronic visa must be printed and, together with the passport, be given for inspection upon entering Azerbaijan. Online visa allows entry into Azerbaijan via any air, land or sea ports and allows a stay of up to 30 days, with a validity period of up to 90 days. Upon entering Azerbaijan, the passport must be valid for at least 3 months after the expiration date of the visa validity period. 


The Republic of Azerbaijan recognized the independence of Montenegro on 24 July 2006.  Montenegro and the Republic of Azerbaijan established the diplomatic relations on 24 April 2008.

In 20 December 2018, the Government of Montenegro adopted a decision to open the Office of the Embassy of Montenegro to the Republic of Turkey in Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan., Ambassador Željko Radulović has been performing the duties of head of mission in the capacity of charge d'affaires in the Baku Office (since 2019)

In April 2012, The Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Podgorica started its work. Orkhan Aliyev performs the duty of charge d'affaires of the Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Podgorica.

The Honorary Consulate of Montenegro in Baku, headed by Honorary Consul Vugar Aliyev. Was inaugurated in December 2013, of Montenegro was opened in Baku.


On 23-25 June 2019, Prime Minister Duško Marković paid an official visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan, and met with Prime Minister Novruz Mammadov and National Assembly Speaker Ogtay Asadov. PM also participated in the work of the Montenegro-Azerbaijan Business Forum.

President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanović took part on the VII Global Baku Forum, which was held in Baku on 12 March 2019. On that occasion, President Đukanović met with the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

On 13 -14 March 2018 Parliament Speaker Ivan Brajović paid an official visit to Azerbaijan and met with President Ilham Aliyev, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly Ogtay Asadov, Prime Minister Artur Rasizade and Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov. He also took part in the International Conference "Role of Parliamentarians in Strengthening Economic Cooperation and Cultural Ties Along Silk Road".

1-3 November 2017, Minister of Foreign Affairs prof. dr Srdjan Darmanović paid an official visit to Azerbaijan and met with President Ilham Aliyev, Prime Minister Artur Rasizade, Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov and Minister of Economy Shahin Mustafayev.


In 2019, the total trade turnover amounted to 190,052 EUR.

In 2019, Azerbaijan was the largest foreign investor in Montenegro. In recent years Azerbaijan has been among the top three largest foreign investors in Montenegro). In 2018, Azerbaijan took second place in terms of inflow of foreign direct investments in Montenegro, while in 2017 FDI amounted to 66.09 million EUR , making Azerbaijan the third largest investor in Montenegro.

During 2019, 162 tourists from the Republic of Azerbaijan visited Montenegro in individual and collective accommodation (330 overnight stays).