
Diplomatic Missions to Montenegro and visa regimes for citizens of Montenegro

Table of Contents:
Visa regimeBilateral Relations/Diplomatic Relations OverviewPolitical ContactsEconomic Cooperation / International TradeOverview of other information


Embassy of Egypt in the Czech Republic

160 00 Prag 6 - Bubenec, Pelleova 14, Republika Češka
+420 2 24 311 506; +420 2 24 311 508 /odjeljenje za kulturu/+420 2 24 210 236 /kancelarija vojnog atašea/+420 2 24 316 815 /ekonomsko odjeljenje/
+ 420 2 24 311 157; +420 2 24 210 237 / kancelarija vojnog atašea/; +420 2 24 313 837 /ekonomsko odjeljenje/; +420 2 24 320 822 /odjeljenje za kulturu/
For countries marked with asterisk (*), there is no resident mission.

Visa regime

Citizens of Montenegro are required to possess a visa in order to enter the Arab Republic of Egypt. The application for an Egyptian visa is made electronically through the official website

In addition, they have the opportunity to obtain a visa upon arrival at Egyptian airports and ports. The Embassy of Egypt in Prague recommends the use of an electronic visa system.

Bilateral Relations/Diplomatic Relations Overview

Diplomatic relations between Montenegro and the Arab Republic of Egypt develop, traditionally, in the spirit of understanding and friendship. There is a mutual interest, expressed on multiple occasions, for the advancement of cooperation in all relevant areas.

The Arab Republic of Egypt officially recognized Montenegro on the 27th of September 2006, and the diplomatic relations between the two countries were established on the same day.

Ambassador of Egypt to Montenegro (with residence Prague, Czechia), Saïd Hindam, is accredited since May 2019.

Political Contacts

The political contacts on the highest statesmen's level are seen as frequent and regular, which also applies to holding bilateral meetings at the margins of international conventions.

In October of 2019, the former Foreign Minister H.E. Srđan Darmanović paid an official visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Foreign Minister of Egypt, Ahmed Abul Geit, paid an official visit to Montenegro in February 2010, on which occasion he had meetings with the highest officials of the state.

Economic Cooperation / International Trade

Overall exchange of goods and services in 2021 (January – October) amounted to €2,694,454 (out of which the exports were €1,266,901, and the imports were €1,427,553); overall exchange of goods and services in 2020 amounted to €3,244,900 (out of which the exports were €1,089,845, and the imports were €2,155,055€).

FDI from Egypt in 2021 (Jan-Oct) were €1.188.400, and €424.450 i 2020.

„Luštica Bay“ is considered one of Egypt's largest direct investments in Montenegro. In October of 2009, the company "Luštica development", that used to own 6,8 million square kilometers of land on the Peninsula of Luštica (in Montenegro), was sold to "Orascom Hotels & Development", a Swiss-Egyptian consortium and a leading Arab company in the area of tourism.

Overview of other information

By signing various bilateral agreements, the two coutries have, so far, formalized their cooperation in the fields of foreign affairs (in 2008), culture (in 2017), while the visas for the holders of the diplomatic and official passports were also abolished (in 2010). 

It is noteworthy that, amidst the global Coronavirus crisis, in April of 2020, Samih Saviris, an Egyptian businessman (otherwise known as the owner of the Swiss-Egyptian company „Orascom“, which does business in Montenegro), donated one half million euros on the account of the former National Coordination Body (NKT) for the fight against the Coronavirus.