Holy See and Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Embassies and consulates of Montenegro and visa regimes for foreign citizens

Holy See and Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Table of Contents:
Visa regimeDiplomatic relationsVisa regimeDiplomatic relations


Embassy of Montenegro to the Holy See and to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Via dei Corridori 48, 00193 Roma
+39 06 68 73 247

Holy See 

Visa regime

Nationals of the Holy See may enter, pass through the territory of and stay in Montenegro up to 90 days, with a valid travel document, without a visa.

Nationals of Holy See may enter, pass through the territory of and stay in Montenegro up to 30 days, without a visa, with a valid identity card issued by the competent authority of the Holy See.

Diplomatic relations

The Holy See officially recognized Montenegro on June 16, 2006, while diplomatic relations between the two countries were established in December 2006.

Until appointment of the new ambassador, the Embassy of Montenegro is represented by charge d'affairs a.i.

The apostolic nuncio in Montenegro, based in Sarajevo, is H. E. Msgr. Francis Assisi.

Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Visa regime

Nationals of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta may enter, pass through the territory of and stay in Montenegro up to 90 days, with a valid travel document, without a visa.

Nationals of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta may enter, pass through the territory of and stay in Montenegro up to 30 days, without a visa, with a valid identity card issued by the competent authority of the SMOM. 

Diplomatic relations

The Holy See officially recognized Montenegro on June 16, 2006, while diplomatic relations between the two countries were established in December 2006.

Ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, based in Rome, is H. E. Mr. Narciso Salvo di PIETRAGANZIL.