
Embassies and consulates of Montenegro and visa regimes for foreign citizens

Table of Contents:
Visa regimeDiplomatic relations


Embassy of Montenegro in Netherlands

Mauritskade 33 2514 HD - The Hague Netherlands
+31(0)70 218 9190+31(0)70 218 9191
+31(0)70 218 9192

Visa regime

Nationals of the Kingdom of the Netherlands may enter, pass through the territory of and stay in Montenegro up to 90 days, with a valid travel document, without a visa.

Nationals of the Kingdom of the Netherlands may enter, pass through the territory of and stay in Montenegro up to 30 days, without a visa, with a valid identity card issued by the competent authority of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Diplomatic relations

The Kingdom of the Netherlands recognized the independence of Montenegro on 16 June 2006, and diplomatic relations were established on 8 September 2006. 

Until the appointment of a new ambassador, the Embassy of Montenegro functions at the level of charge d'affairs a.i.

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, on a non-resident basis, with the residence in Belgrade, is H.E. Theodorus Antonius Reintjes.