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Država pokazuje snagu da pravda i zakon zakucaju na vrata svakog počinioca krivičnog djela
Government of Montenegro State demonstrates commitment to justice and law enforcement

Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinator of the Intelligence and Security Sector Aleksa Bečić met with Minister of the Interior Danilo Šaranović...

Primopredaja i demonstracije bespilotnih letjelica „Belin V“
Government of Montenegro Drones represent a major step in modernizing the Armed Forces of Montenegro

Deputy Prime Minister Aleksa Bečić, Minister of Defence Dragan Krapović, and Minister of the Interior Danilo Šaranović welcomed Slovenian Defence Minister...

Deputy Prime Minister Bečić's Agenda 13:15h Government of Montenegro
Potpredsjednik Bečić upriličio doček za predsjednika Republike Bugarske Rumena Radevog
Government of Montenegro DPM Bečić hosts reception for President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev

Thank you for your sincere and continuous support on our European path. Enjoy the hospitality of our people and the beauties of our country, concluded Bečić.

Deputy Prime Minister Bečić's Agenda 19:00h - 21:30h British Embassy Podgorica
Aleksa Bečić odao počast pokojnom Dušku Jovanoviću
Government of Montenegro Bečić: Montenegro will not rest until justice is served

Today, alongside Minister of the Interior Danilo Šaranović and Minister of Defence Dragan Krapović, I paid tribute to the late Duško Jovanović...

Potpredsjednik Bečić otvorio svečanost dodjele godišnjih nagrada najuspješnijim menadžerima, poslodavcima i preduzetnicima
Government of Montenegro Bečić opens Association of Montenegrin Managers’ annual awards ceremony

Deputy Prime Minister Aleksa Bečić opened the annual awards ceremony honoring the most successful managers and entrepreneurs.

Deputy Prime Minister Bečić's Agenda 10:00h Imanje Knjaz, Podgorica
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