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Government of Montenegro Joint statement from the leaders of the Western Balkans Six

Acknowledging the persistent and serious security challenges posed by current geopolitical circumstances and in particular Russian aggression against Ukraine

Sjednici Komiteta - Manival
Government of Montenegro Montenegro keeps away from the Moneyval’s gray list

Montenegro will not be on the Moneyval’s gray list - it was decided at the session of the Committee of Experts...

Milojko Spajić - Rašad Alijev
Government of Montenegro Prime Minister with representatives of Azmont and Orascom companies

Prime Minister Milojko Spajić met today with the CEO of Azmont Investments Rashad Aliyev, and the Chairman of the Orascom Group, Naguib Samih Sawiris...

Spajić - Lundberg
Government of Montenegro Spajić - Lundberg: Continuation of cooperation between Montenegro and the UN on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda

Prime Minister Milojko Spajić met with the UN Resident Coordinator to Montenegro, Peter Lundberg.

Premijer Spajić ugostio predsjednika Vlade Portugala
Government of Montenegro Prime Minister Spajić hosted the Prime Minister of Portugal: Montenegro has a clear European perspective

Montenegro is the frontrunner in European integration and has the strong backing of Portugal to become the first next member of the European Union...

Government of Montenegro New congratulatory messages to the Prime Minister: Officials of the European Union Member States welcome the formation of the 44th Government

On the occasion of the election of the 44th Government, Prime Minister Milojko Spajić received numerous congratulatory messages...

Milojko Spajić
Government of Montenegro Prime Minister Spajić on the occasion of the start of the Census: We have demonstrated that Montenegro has functional institutions

On the occasion of the start of the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings, Prime Minister Milojko Spajić wrote on the X platform...

Milojko Spajić - Boris Gandel
Government of Montenegro Prime Minister Spajić hosted the Ambassadors of Slovakia and Kosovo

As part of the series of meetings with the Ambassadors, Prime Minister Milojko Spajić hosted the Ambassadors of Slovakia and Kosovo.

Premijer razgovarao sa predsjednikom 4iG Grupe
Government of Montenegro Prime Minister spoke with the President of 4iG Group: Hungarian company interested in new investments in Montenegro

At the meeting, they discussed the implementation of the Memorandum signed earlier this year between the Government of Montenegro and the 4iG Group...

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