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PUBLIC CALL for selection of experts and lecturers, i.e. trainers for drawing up digital training program in the EU field and realization of trainings

Published on: Apr 16, 2021 3:07 PM Author: UzK

for the selection of experts and lecturers, i.e. trainers for drawing up a digital training program in the EU field and realization of trainings

We’re publishing a public call inviting all interested parties, professors at the universities, state-level and local employees, as well as all those possessing knowledge related to the EU and skills for carrying out trainings, to apply to a public call for the selection of experts and lecturers, i.e. trainers for drawing up a digital training program in the EU field and realization of trainings.

TOPICS: EU accession process; Political and Economic Criteria, EU ACQIS, EC Country Progress Report; Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA); Negotiating structures; EU Treaties and the Common Market and Free Movement of Goods (Chapter 1).

- university degree, VII1 qualification level, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or PhD in a relevant area;
- minimum 3 years of relevant work experience;
- additional professional education and development;
- experience as a trainer in a relevant field;
- published scientific and professional pieces in a relevant area of expertise;
- English proficiency – minimum B1 English level

- biography;
- proof of required qualifications;
- certificate of a relevant work experience;
- copies of certificates and documents referring to professional references;
- list of published scientific and professional pieces.

Candidates meeting the public call requirements will be invited for an interview and after the final decision is made, they will be shortlisted. The first three trainers from the list will be engaged for drawing up a digital training program in the EU field. English proficiency is mandatory as the program requires collaboration with international experts.

Application deadline: from 16 to 26 April 2021
Applicants submit applications on the eUprava portal (

Bojana Šćepanović, Sector for Training and Development of Human Resources, HRMA, 063 231 038 -

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