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Security and Defence Committee holds its 54th meeting

Published on: Jul 19, 2016 6:00 AM Author: Parliament of Montenegro
2015 Performance Report of the National Security Agency considered

In the presence of Director of the National Security Agency Mr Dejan Peruničić, the Committee considered the 2015 Performance Report of the National Security Agency. Following the comprehensive discussion, members of the Committee supported the Report by a majority of votes, and in relation to that they adopted the following conclusions:

1. The Committee notes the necessity of continuation of collecting data with full intensity on activities of criminal groups from Montenegro with transnational operations, with special reference to groups recognised from the aspect of perpetrators of severe criminal acts and high level of social danger which accompanies the said activities;

2. In the sense of monitoring the security phenomena of Islamic extremism and radicalism, the Committee demands continuation of undertaking operative activities regarding consideration of acting of individuals and groups recognised in this context, collecting data and achieving a necessary level of international, regional, and partner cooperation in that respect;

3. Bearing in mind the importance of confronting modern security challenges and timely creation of normative and operative mechanism for combating cyber crime, the Committee estimates as very significant the timely planning of financial funds in order to continue improvement of information and communication and technical systems of the National Security Agency;

4. In the context of transparency of work of the Agency, the Committee estimates as necessary the improvement of policy of informing the public through finding the best model of balance between the degree of confidentiality and transparency, and in that respect, informing the public on its work and publishing the information on the website, in accordance with laws and secondary legislation regulating the field of confidential data;

5. The Committee demanded from the National Security Agency the continuation of building human and material capacities, raising the level of effectiveness and compatibility with modern elements of collective security system in the upcoming period.
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