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Abazović meets with representatives of Roma organisations: We will take concrete actions to improve the position of the Roma community

Published on: Apr 8, 2021 2:30 PM Author: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

On the occasion of the International Roma Day, Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazović met today with representatives of Roma NGOs: Elvis Beriša from the NGO "Phiren Amenca" from Podgorica, Samir Jah from the NGO "Young Roma" from Podgorica and Fana Delija from the NGO "Centre for Roma initiatives" from Nikšić. Sokolj Beganaj from the Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights also attended the meeting.

Representatives of the Roma community thanked DPM Abazović for the reception and the opportunity to inform him about their position, activities in the previous period and the most acute problems facing the Roma community.

Representatives of the Roma community pointed out the most significant problems that Roma and Egyptians have in Montenegro, noting that these are universal problems that their compatriots face everywhere in the world.

The meeting also emphasised the importance of the political representation of Roma and Egyptians, which would better point to the problems, and in that sense drew attention to the need to amend the Law on the Election of Councilors and Members of Parliament, because they are cuurently being discriminated against. Representatives of Roma organisations also informed the Deputy Prime Minister about the number, position and problems that Roma and Egyptians face in the education system and the importance of every Roma child being part of the school system. Also, the representatives of the Roma drew attention to the problems of housing and the current policy of ghettoization of Roma and Egyptians.

Representatives of Roma organisations also drew attention to the importance of opening a shelter for victims of arranged marriages and the Office for Combating Anti-gypsyism.

On behalf of the Government and in his personal capacity, DPM Abazović congratulated the members of the Roma community on International Roma Day. The Deputy Prime Minister stated that this day should be an occasion to mark a new beginning of cooperation between the Government and the Roma community, in which the Government should show more sensitivity towards all communities, and especially towards the most vulnerable ones. Abazović praised the enthusiasm and commitment that the representatives of these NGOs have for the inclusion of the Roma community.

Furthermore, the meeting discussed models for improving the position and inclusion of Roma, and also ways for the state to deal with the problems of child begging, arranged marriages, human trafficking and anti-gypsyism as a form of racism.

The meeting agreed on concrete actions that the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister will take in order to facilitate the enrollment of Roma and Egyptians in higher education institutions and to fight against arranged marriages.

Dritan Abazović - predstavnici romskih organizacija (08.04.2021.)
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