Bečić: Building strong institutions is key to Montenegro’s future

Deputy Prime Minister Aleksa Bečić spoke at the panel "Fighting Corruption - Challenges and Perspectives," organised as part of the REACT programme by the ALFA Center, which has contributed for 17 years to educating young people about European and Euro-Atlantic integration, regional cooperation, stability, defence, diplomacy, and youth policy.

In his remarks, Bečić emphasised that corruption is a systemic evil that destroys institutions and threatens the future of coming generations. He stressed that successfully combating corruption requires a determined response from all sectors of society.

He added that building strong institutions in which citizens can trust, improving the socio-economic position of citizens, and nurturing the civic character of the state are essential for Montenegro’s future and a true expression of patriotism.

Bečić also underlined the importance of fighting organised crime and corruption through inter-institutional and international cooperation, as well as cleansing the security sector of unauthorized influences.

In the past ten months, around 70 individuals have been prosecuted for corruption-related crimes, 95% of all crimes that occurred during this period have been resolved, and 85% of crimes committed by unknown perpetrators have been solved. Additionally, approximately 600 members of organised criminal groups and persons of interest have been prosecuted. Citizens have also witnessed the dismantling of smuggling networks for drugs and cigarettes, as well as the largest seizures of illegal weapons in recent history, Bečić noted.

Finally, Bečić expressed satisfaction with the excellent cooperation and trust within the security sector, between the security sector and the prosecutor’s office, and in joint cooperation with international partners. This cooperation has been the foundation for historical actions and results in the fight against organised crime and corruption.

Transparency, timely action, and accountability from all relevant institutions, as well as a healthy system of values and the personal example of individuals in responsible positions who work only for their salary and nothing beyond it, are the best tools in this fight. Bečić concluded by stating that "love for the country is shown through building strong institutions and a shared sacrifice for the common good, which guarantees a healthy future and a free Montenegro."

Aleksa Bečić - Borba protiv korupcije-izazovi i perspektive
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