Bundestag supports Montenegro's EU membership

Published on: May 29, 2024 2:00 PM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

The Bundestag has expressed its full support for Montenegro's aspiration to become the next member of the European Union. This was the key message from the meeting between Prime Minister Milojko Spajić and Michael Roth, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Parliament.

During the discussion, it was noted that the current Montenegrin Government has accelerated the integration process, making Montenegro a successful European story and a model of how implementing reforms can yield direct benefits for citizens.

Prime Minister Spajić emphasised that the Government's top priority is to meet the conditions for receiving the Interim Benchmark Assessment Report (IBAR).

The meeting also addressed the regional situation, highlighting Montenegro's efforts to promote good relations on its path to the EU. It was noted that the enlargement process is the easiest, yet the most challenging way to achieve a peaceful and prosperous Western Balkans.

Strengthening the rule of law, ensuring the independence of the judiciary, and promoting media freedom were identified as crucial for completing the integration process.

Chairman Roth emphasised the importance of Montenegro's full alignment with the EU's foreign and security policy as a testament to true partnership and Montenegro's commitment to EU membership.

The discussion also focused on economic integration, with the consensus that Montenegro has the potential for rapid economic development to soon reach the level of certain EU countries.

Milojko Spajić - Mihael Rot, predsjednik Odbora za vanjske poslove u njemačkom Budestagu - kadrovi
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