Bureau for Operational Coordination holds its fourth session

The Bureau for Operational Coordination held its fourth session, attended by Bureau members, Minister of the Interior Danilo Šaranović, Director of the Police Directorate Zoran Brđanin, and Acting Assistant Director of the Police Directorate for the Crime Prevention Sector Lazar Šćepanović.

Biro za operativnu koordinaciju

The Bureau welcomed the adoption of the Rulebook on Control of Assets, Income and Lifestyle of Police Officers by the Ministry of the Interior, which mandates that all police officers submit a report on their income and assets by the end of July. Following this, the Anti-Corruption Department of the Ministry of the Interior will verify these reports, serving as an additional mechanism for control and achieving optimal professionalization of police officers.

Among the topics discussed, the Bureau gave special attention to the analysis of the current security situation, characterized by continuous security challenges. It was concluded that the activities of high-risk organized criminal groups, primarily involved in serious crimes against life and body, represent one of the key security challenges.

The significant effort made by officers of the intelligence and security sector, in cooperation with the prosecution, to counter security challenges and solve crimes was highlighted, particularly noting that all crimes against life and body, including recent incidents in Cetinje, have been solved this year.  

The Bureau called for increased vigilance against the activities of high-risk organized criminal groups and established several obligations for the intelligence and security sector aimed at maintaining a stable security environment. This includes comprehensive planning and implementing measures for prompt response to identified security challenges, especially considering the influx of tourists during the peak season along the coast. Full support was given to ongoing efforts and actions, as well as to the continuation and initiation of new activities aimed at dismantling high-risk criminal groups and bringing their members to justice.

The Bureau endorsed the decision by the Minister of the Interior to form an operational team composed of officers from the intelligence and security sector. This team will coordinate daily activities to maintain a stable security situation, with a particular focus on Bar, Budva, and Cetinje.

The Bureau also supported the initiative to continue implementing the project for video surveillance systems of public areas in municipalities, with particular emphasis on Cetinje, as well as Nikšić and Berane.

The Bureau reviewed other issues within its jurisdiction, about which the public will be informed in the next statement tomorrow, due to the extensive nature of the information considered.

Sjednica Biroa za operativnu koordinaciju organa obavještajno-bezbjednosnog sektora - kadrovi
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