Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Cabinet adopts Draft Spatial Plan until 2040

Published on: Oct 19, 2023 1:15 PM Author: Public Relations Service of the Government of Montenegro

The Montenegrin Cabinet convened for its 70th session today and officially adopted the Draft Spatial Plan of Montenegro until the year 2040. This marks a pivotal step in the strategic planning of Montenegro's development, offering a comprehensive framework that encompasses state objectives, rules, and measures for spatial growth in alignment with the country's overall economic, social, environmental, and cultural-historical progress.

The Spatial Plan of Montenegro holds a central role in the spatial planning system, shaping the course of development, organization, usage, and preservation of Montenegro's territory for the planned period until 2040. The strategic part of the Spatial Plan comprises the rationale for the planning concept, foundational principles, the vision, and development principles. It proposes a spatial framework for organization, regulation, and use, with a special focus on fostering balanced regional development and accelerating growth in the Northern region to harness natural resources and counteract adverse demographic trends.

Furthermore, the Plan outlines the objectives for general economic and social development in Montenegro and defines planning zones and development corridors, which also double as transportation routes. It includes all sectoral projections related to economic and social development and infrastructure improvement. Emphasis is placed on the need for enhanced development in transportation, energy, waste management, and more, with a commitment to eco-friendly principles in infrastructure development.

In all sectors, general, specific, and priority objectives are highlighted, accompanied by proposed indicators to monitor the plan's implementation progress. The concept of network of settlements, regulations, and guidelines for urban and rural development are also defined, along with general conditions for planned spatial uses. These guidelines will be incorporated into more detailed planning documentation, encompassing construction areas, agricultural and forested lands, water bodies, infrastructure zones, and other natural territories. The Plan underscores the necessity of land policy measures, the establishment of a clear spatial planning system, the resolution of issues related to illegal construction, and the rectification of identified problems.

During discussions, the Plan was notably the first to delve into the allocation of maritime areas, specifying conditions for the utilization of the sea, goals, and strategic directions for the rational use of maritime resources.

The Plan underlines a strong ecological consciousness and commits to monitoring spatial development policies to achieve a harmonious balance between development and preservation, while implementing measures to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts on the environment and space. Measures for nature, environmental, and cultural heritage protection, as well as landscape and cultural landscape safeguarding, are highlighted in this regard.

In addition to the above, a Draft Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment has been prepared, reinforcing our commitment to an environmentally responsible approach in realizing proposed planning solutions.

Prezentacija Nacrta prostornog plana Crne Gore do 2040. godine (19.10.2023.)
70. sjednica Vlade Crne Gore - kadrovi
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