Deputy Prime Minister Koprivica congratulates on 13 July - Statehood Day

Deputy Prime Minister for Political System, Judiciary, and Anti-Corruption Momo Koprivica extended his warmest congratulations to all citizens of Montenegro on 13 July - Statehood Day.

Statehood Day of Montenegro, 13 July, is not just a date commemorating 1878 and 1941, historical aspirations, anti-fascism, courage, determination, but also the suffering, endurance, and steadfastness of our ancestors. It is a sublime day when we always return to ourselves, carrying the torch of freedom and the achievements of those from whom we descended and whose efforts built Montenegro in its centuries-long struggle for freedom, justice, and dignity. Our illustrious ancestors drew inspiration for their aspirations from their predecessors, from Njegoš, Saint Peter of Cetinje, and all other sublime, timeless, and immortal figures.

They are the foundation, and it is upon this foundation that we build a modern and multicultural Montenegro, which will be crowned by joining the community of European nations to which we have always belonged, developing friendships with all nations and states. Therefore, it is important that as we build and develop our common home for all citizens who live in it and who feel at home in it, we never forget our foundations.

In the spirit of this great day that symbolizes the spirit of freedom, I warmly congratulate all citizens of Montenegro on Statehood Day, 13 July, as a new beginning, but always a return to our moral and freedom-loving tradition, as enduring values, stated Deputy Prime Minister Momo Koprivica in his congratulatory message.

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