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Potpredsjednik Vlade za politički sistem, pravosuđe i antikorupciju mr Momo Koprivica položio vijenac na memorijalni spomenik u Dolima pivskim
Government of Montenegro DPM Koprivica lays wreath at memorial in Doli Pivski

Deputy Prime Minister Momo Koprivica laid a wreath at the memorial in Doli Pivski to commemorate the innocent civilians who perished in 1943.

Momo Koprivica - Žeremi Pele
Government of Montenegro Koprivica meets with Pellet and Maskay

Deputy Prime Minister for Political System, Judiciary, and Anti-Corruption Momo Koprivica met with Chief Executive Officer of Expertise France Jérémie Pellet.

Sjednica Koordinacionog tijela za zaštitu i unapređenje javnog interesa u oblasti priređivanja igara na sreću
Government of Montenegro Regulatory steps taken in games of chance sector

The fourth session of the Coordinating Body for the protection and advancement of public interest in the area of games of chance was held today...

Potpredsjednik Vlade mr Momo Koprivica položio vijenac  na mjesto ubistva Duška Jovanovića
Government of Montenegro Deputy Prime Minister Momo Koprivica lays wreath at the site of Duško Jovanović’s murder

Clarifying Duško Jovanović’s murder must be a fundamental task of legal institutions, as it is a prerequisite for achieving justice...

Momo Koprivica - Jožef Neđeši
Government of Montenegro Deputy Prime Minister Koprivica meets with Hungarian Ambassador to Montenegro

Deputy Prime Minister for Political System, Judiciary, and Anti-Corruption Momo Koprivica met with Ambassador of Hungary to Montenegro József Négyesi.

Održana 3. sjednica Koordinacionog tijela za zaštitu i unapređenje javnog interesa u oblasti priređivanja igara na sreću
Government of Montenegro Government prepares measures against gaming operators who disregard laws

The Coordination Body for the Protection and Enhancement of Public Interest in the Field of Games of Chance held its third session.

Sjednica Koordinacionog tijela za zaštitu i unapređenje javnog interesa u oblasti priređivanja igara na sreću
Government of Montenegro Intensification of activities to protect and improve public interest in the field of games of chance

The second session of the Coordination Body for the protection and improvement of public interest in the field of games of chance was held today...

Slobodna zona „Luka Bar“
Government of Montenegro Constituent session of the Coordination Body for inventory of confiscated goods in the Free Zone Port of Bar

The constituent session of the Coordination Body for the inventory of confiscated goods in the Free Zone Port of Bar was held today.

Koprivica - INL
Government of Montenegro Koprivica meets with Deputy Chief of Mission to US Embassy Podgorica and delegation of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)

Deputy Prime Minister Momo Koprivica met with Deputy Chief of Mission to US Embassy Podgorica Nicolle Otallah and representatives of INL.

Koprivica sa šefom Jedinice za Crnu Goru i Srbiju
Government of Montenegro Koprivica meets with Head of Unit for Montenegro and Serbia at DG NEAR Michael Miller

Deputy Prime Minister Momo Koprivica met with Head of Unit for Montenegro and Serbia at the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations

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