DPM Ivanović: Meetings and events at the UN General Debate

Table of Contents:
Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović meets with Alice Wairimu Nderitu, UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of GenocideDeputy Prime Minister Ivanović meets with Enrique Manalo, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the PhilippinesDeputy Prime Minister Ivanović meets with Fiamē Naomi Mataʻafa, Prime Minister of the Independent State of SamoaDeputy Prime Minister Ivanović meets with Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović attends the reception of the Forum of Small States and meets with Singapore’s Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan

Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović meets with Alice Wairimu Nderitu, UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide

On the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly’s General Debate in New York, Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Filip Ivanović met with Alice Wairimu Nderitu, UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide.

Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović expressed Montenegro's continued support for Nderitu’s office and emphasised the country’s long-standing partnership. He highlighted Montenegro's membership in the Human Rights Council, underscoring its commitment to the principles and values of the United Nations. Ivanović also updated Nderitu on Montenegro's progress in its negotiations for full EU membership, reaffirming Montenegro's steady progress toward its primary foreign policy goal.

Nderitu thanked Montenegro for its support and expressed confidence that the strong collaboration would continue. She also praised Montenegro’s advancements in its EU integration process, emphasising that the country’s actions within the UN reflect its political maturity.

Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović meets with Enrique Manalo, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines

Sastanak potpredsjednika Ivanovića i Enrikea Manola, sekretara za vanjske poslove Republike Filipini

During his visit to New York and participation in the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović met with Enrique Manalo, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines.

Both leaders agreed that there is substantial room to strengthen bilateral cooperation, particularly in the fields of economy and tourism.

In addition to bilateral relations, Ivanović emphasised the opportunities for collaboration at the multilateral level. He briefed Manalo on Montenegro's candidacy for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council for the 2026–2027 period.

Secretary Manalo expressed the Philippines’ willingness to explore all potential avenues for enhancing bilateral relations. He also highlighted that mutual support for UN candidacies is a tangible step toward strengthening relations between the two nations.

Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović meets with Fiamē Naomi Mataʻafa, Prime Minister of the Independent State of Samoa

Sastanak potpredsjednika Ivanovića sa Fiami Naomi Mata’afa, predsjednicom Vlade Nezavisne Države Samoa

On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly’s General Debate in New York, Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović met with Fiamē Naomi Mataʻafa, Prime Minister of the Independent State of Samoa.

Ivanović expressed readiness to explore the signing of cooperation agreements to establish a legal framework for strengthening communication at both working and high levels. He stressed that combating the harmful effects of climate change is a shared responsibility, regardless of geographical distance.  

Prime Minister Mataʻafa agreed on the importance of tackling climate change, noting that Samoa, as a small island nation, is already experiencing significant impacts. She also expressed Samoa's interest in collaborating with Montenegro, particularly in the multilateral sphere, through cooperation within UN bodies.

Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović meets with Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain 

Sastanak potpredsjednika Ivanovića i Abdulatifa bin Rašida Al Zajanija, ministra vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Bahrein

During the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović met with Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kingdom of the Bahrain.

The two agreed on the importance of intensifying diplomatic communication and high-level meetings to boost mutually beneficial cooperation. Besides economic and tourism sectors, they identified significant potential for collaboration in science and research. Both leaders stressed the need to sign relevant agreements to facilitate the implementation of planned projects and future cooperation between the two scientific communities.

Ivanović also informed Minister Al Zayani about Montenegro's candidacy for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council for 2026–2027.

Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović attends the reception of the Forum of Small States and meets with Singapore’s Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan

As part of his activities on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović attended a reception for members of the Forum of Small States at the invitation of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore Vivian Balakrishnan.  

During the reception, Ivanović had a brief conversation with Minister Balakrishnan, where both expressed readiness to strengthen communication at the working and high levels to foster ties between the two countries in areas of mutual interest.

DPM Ivanović also attended themed receptions organised by the Republic of Austria and the Republic of Serbia. Throughout the day, he had short meetings with the President of the Republic of Serbia and the foreign ministers of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of North Macedonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Principality of Andorra, and the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis.  

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