Gjeloshaj: Montenegro and Kosovo have close economic ties and we want this cooperation to be stronger

Published on: May 16, 2024 2:30 PM Author: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy

During an official visit to Pristina, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy Nik Gjeloshaj met with Minister of Economy of the Republic of Kosovo Artane Rizvanolli.

Minister Rizvanolli welcomed Deputy Prime Minister Gjeloshaj and highlighted the good neighbourly relations between Montenegro and Kosovo.

Gjeloshaj - Rizvanoli

During the meeting, potential projects between the two countries were discussed. Notably, they focused on concluding the Agreement on Economic Cooperation between Montenegro and the Republic of Kosovo, which began in 2014.

Montenegro and Kosovo have close economic ties, and we want this cooperation to be stronger. There is great potential for enhancing economic cooperation between our countries, especially in infrastructure and tourism, stated Deputy Prime Minister Gjeloshaj.

At the end of the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Gjeloshaj thanked Minister Rizvanolli for the reception, and they agreed to continue cooperation in areas of mutual interest.

Gjeloshaj - Rizvanoli

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