Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Government, in cooperation with Parliament, is committed to political dialogue

Published on: May 12, 2022 12:00 PM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Dritan Abazović met with Azay Guliyev, Special Representative on South East Europe and Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, who is paying an official visit to Montenegro. PM Abazović said that the Government of Montenegro, in cooperation with the Parliament of Montenegro, will be committed to political dialogue, reducing political differences and strengthening social cohesion.

Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro Dominque Waag, as well as Sherif Abdili and Roberto Ferrari from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly were present at the meeting.

Azay Guliyev pointed out that his role, as Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, is to promote parliamentary dialogue. In this regard, Guliyev was interested in the possibility of organising a Parliamentary Forum in Montenegro. Prime Minister Abazović welcomed the idea, pointing out that this is primarily under the auspices of the Parliament, but that the Government would provide needed support.

Prime Minister Abazović expressed satisfaction with the excellent relations and overall cooperation between Montenegro and the OSCE and its structures, as confirmed by regular dialogue and high-level visits.

Montenegro is grateful for OSCE support in the areas of democratisation, human rights, rule of law and media, including election observation and assistance in reforming electoral legislation, which contributes to strengthening Montenegrin institutions and progress towards EU membership.

Given that we are particularly focused on progress in the area of rule of law and the fight against corruption and organised crime, we are pleased to participate in the OSCE Regional Trial Monitoring Project, which supports more effective administration of justice in corruption and organised crime cases before the courts of Montenegro, said PM Abazović.

The Prime Minister stated that regional cooperation is one of the pillars of our foreign policy and that Montenegro remains committed to maintaining constructive relations with all countries in the region, based on mutual respect and understanding. We are actively participating in organisations and initiatives of regional cooperation, in order to strengthen stability and ensure economic and other types of development, said PM Abazović.

Dritan Abazović – Azaj Gulijev, specijalni predstavnik za JI Evropu i potpredsjednika PS OEBS-a (12.05.2022.)
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