Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Krivokapić, Bečić: A victory of peace, reconciliation and co-existence has no alternative

Published on: Mar 12, 2021 5:30 PM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

Prime Minister of Montenegro Zdravko Krivokapić and President of the Parliament of Montenegro Aleksa Bečić have met today, on the occasion of 100 days of the Government. They concluded that the partnership relation between the legislative and the executive power, along with an honest and partnership cooperation of the Prime Minister and the President of the Parliament in challenging times is a prerequisite of progress and development of society and the state.

Paliament President Bečić pointed out that the Government of Montenegro started its work at the moment of a complex epidemiological and socio-economic situation and practically encountered an already bad situation in many ways, but that there was a noticeable desire and honest intention by the Prime Minister and other ministers to responsibly and quickly tackle the difficult heritage of the past.

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro thanked the Prime Minister for a very proper conduct in all complex situations and the pronounced need and capability for dialogue on all relevant facts of the socio-political life, which he had demonstrated in his first 100 days.

Prime Minister Krivokapić pointed out that the democratic capacity of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro and his attitude towards state affairs and the institution he represented were an example of how to act and perform duties responsibly.

Both sides agreed that the partnership between the Parliament and the Government of Montenegro had resolved one of the most complex issues that burdened many processes in the previous period, which was the Law on Freedom of Religion.

The two officials noted that the partnership between the legislative and the executive power had resulted in a set of social legislative projects that would enable the increase of the minimum wage from EUR 222 to EUR 250, the increase of old-age benefits from EUR 72 to EUR 102, and would introduce child allowance for children up to six years of age amounting to EUR 30 per month and for all children in a state of social need allowance ranging from EUR 44 to EUR 60. Furthermore, from the next school year, all elementary school students will have free textbooks.

The Prime Minister pointed out that patriotism was measured by a responsible conduct towards each citizen, company, small or medium-sized enterprise, and that he was encouraged by the fact that, in just 100 days, the new government bought the two previously rented airplanes; established a stable airline: planned for savings amounting to EUR 170 million in public spending for the current year, and saved the country from bankruptcy with a credit arrangement amounting to EUR 750 million.

President of the Parliament Bečić and Prime Minister Krivokapić noted that in order to reduce the socio-economic effects of the pandemic, the Government of Montenegro provided a generous economic package of assistance to the citizens and the economy worth EUR 163 million, which provided the reimbursement to the amount of the full minimum wage to all at-risk companies, but also provided direct assistance for 100,000 citizens. Thus financial assistance of EUR 50 was allocated for the pensioners with the lowest pensions, and EUR 100 for the unemployed people in the records of the Employment Agency of Montenegro. Following that, it is significant to also point out the proposed measure of stimulating employment by exempting employers from paying taxes and contributions to any newly employed person in the amount of 90% for the first year, 60% for the next one, and 30% in 2023. In addition to this, it is important to point out the measures of support to the local agricultural producers, but also the tourist vouchers, which will result in direct benefits to the tourism industry. The interlocutors also pointed out the achieved agreement on adopting a law that would enable the payout of severance pay to the former workers of the Aluminium Plant Podgorica and the metal industry.

The President of the Parliament and the Prime Minister especially emphasised that the victory over crime, corruption, extremism, servitude, and other anomalies of our society, was the only guarantee for economic, legal, moral and any other kind of reconciliation.

The two officials agreed that the victory of peace, reconciliation, tolerance and co-existence has no alternative in Montenegro.

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