Luštica has the potential to outshine Ibiza, Mykonos, and Saint-Tropez

Published on: May 28, 2024 5:00 PM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

Montenegro boasts immense potential, and Luštica is a gem that could outshine elite European tourist destinations. This was highlighted at a meeting between Prime Minister Milojko Spajić and representatives of Orascom Development, led by Chairman Samih Sawiris.

The investments in Luštica Bay so far are only a fraction of what the investor plans. Therefore, it is crucial for the administration to efficiently respond to requests for project acceleration and the initiation of new investments, it was concluded at the meeting.

Numerous reforms in strengthening the rule of law, which should be confirmed through receiving the Interim Benchmark Assessment Report (IBAR), also serve as encouragement for investors. "I believe this is a positive message for everyone who uses your services," said Prime Minister Spajić, emphasising that the development of road infrastructure and airports will facilitate the ambitious plans for Luštica Bay, benefiting all.

The company developing the major project in Luštica expressed their readiness to accelerate investments and their satisfaction with the collaboration with ministries and relevant institutions since the formation of the 44th Government.

We are pleased with the state's approach to our efforts to expand business. We are just starting with investments because we genuinely believe Luštica has immense potential. We seek good cooperation because we have plans for the next 10, 20, even 50 years, stated Omar El Hamamsy, the company’s CEO.

In this context, discussions were held on all open issues that need to be resolved to smoothly develop Luštica’s potential.

It was emphasised that everything is progressing as desired, providing a foundation for even more productive cooperation.

It was also highlighted that improving business operations relies heavily on employee education. Joint seminars for employee training will be organised together with the company’s Swiss branch.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Urbanism, and State Property, led by Minister Janko Odović, representatives from the Ministry of Tourism, Ecology, Sustainable Development, and Northern Region Development, led by Minister Vladimir Martinović, and Director of the Investment Agency Snežana Đurović.

From Luštica Bay, the discussions included Regional Executive Director Raphael Krucker and Government and Community Relations Manager Marko Vukašević.

Milojko Spajić - predstavnici Orascom developmenta - kadrovi
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