Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Milatović: Readiness of all stakeholders for constructive dialogue can lead to sustainable solution for KAP

Published on: Mar 9, 2021 6:00 PM Author: Ministry of Economic Development

Bearing in mind that the bankruptcy in the Aluminium Plant Podgorica (KAP) was initiated in 2013 and that this process is carried out by the bankruptcy trustee whose activities are under the supervision of the Commercial Court and that, in accordance with the Bankruptcy Law, after declaring bankruptcy KAP's assets were sold to UNIPROM in June 2014, it is clear that the open issues arising from this process are not within the competence of the Government of Montenegro.

However, having in mind the importance of KAP in the Montenegrin economy, and after the events in the Parliament last week, Minister of Economic Development Jakov Milatović initiated meetings with representatives of KAP employees, bankruptcy trustee Veselin Perišić and General Manager of Uniprom (KAP) Nebojša Dožić.

I am here to look at the situation through the eyes of unions and businesspeople, reminding them that dialogue is the only way to reach a solution. I am convinced that only through dialogue and openness of all stakeholders can we move towards better understanding and greater mutual trust as a precondition for any sustainable solution. It is time for some things to change in Montenegro. We will not allow decisions to be made under anyone's pressure, but our policy will be based on the common interests of all citizens, always promoting dialogue, said Minister Milatović.

The meetings concluded that all stakeholders want to reach an agreement - workers want to keep their jobs, the company wants to continue to work and contribute to the industrial empowerment of Montenegro, and the Ministry will continue to support and promote institutional dialogue within the legal framework.

The Ministry of Economic Development and the Government of Montenegro are committed to improving the business environment. In this regard, we remind that UNIPROM LLC (KAP) enjoys significant benefits under the Programme for improving the competitiveness of the economy implemented by the Ministry of Economic Development.

On the other hand, a satisfied worker is an inseparable part of a good business environment, and we, as the Ministry in charge of labour relations, are paying close attention to this issue. It is a model of success and the foundation of sustainable economic development.

To this end, the Ministry of Economic Development will delegate its team, which together with the Directorate for Inspection Affairs will visit the KAP facilities in order to have a clearer and better view of the current situation.

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