Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Solution for KAP should be found through dialogue

Published on: Mar 5, 2021 7:15 PM Author: Ministry of Economic Development

The Ministry of Economic Development collects information and pays close attention to the new situation at the Aluminum Plant Podgorica (KAP).

We are surprised by the reaction of the owner of UNIRPOM, Mr. Veselin Pejović, and the fact that he intends to close the factory and leave 600 workers without jobs. Especially bearing in mind that the company UNIPROM LLC (KAP) enjoys significant benefits under the Programme for improving the competitiveness of the economy implemented by the Ministry of Economic Development.

The Government of Montenegro is making every effort to create conditions that will enable all economic entities to operate normally, but at the same time does not accept blackmail of any kind. It is evident that the rights of workers in the period of insolvency proceeding, which in this case lasts almost 8 years without estimating how long they will last, must be regulated more rightfully - which would enable workers to exercise their rights guaranteed by labour relations. The Ministry of Economic Development will therefore launch an initiative to review existing legal solutions.

The Ministry of Economic Development, as well as the Government of Montenegro, is continuously working on resolving inherited long-standing problems. Therefore, we believe that it is necessary to invite all parties to a dialogue and reconsider the circumstances that led to the announced dismissal of the workers, and to find a sustainable solution through a joint conversation.

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