Minister Dukaj invited to the Prayer Breakfast: I see the invitation as a recognition to the reforms in the Ministry of Public Administration and policy of the Albanian Alternative

31. January 2024.-1. February 2024.
Published on: Dec 11, 2023 10:43 AM

The Minister of Public Administration Marash Dukaj was invited to the National Prayer Breakfast, to be organized in Washington on 31 January and 1 February 2024.

The invitation states that participating in this gathering will be an opportunity to strengthen mutual relations and bonds among high American officials and personalities from more than 140 countries. The National Prayer Breakfast traditionally gathers the President and the members of the USA Congress, world statesmen and politicians and public figures. 

“I am honoured to have received this invitation, that I primarily see as a recognition of strategic reforms that we implement in the Ministry of Public Administration, as well as the confirmation of rightness and encouragement to the firm commitment of the Albanian Alternative to the European and Euro-Atlantic policy of the civic oriented Montenegro”, said Minister Dukaj.

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