National Security Council of Montenegro holds its third session

Published on: May 30, 2024 1:30 PM Author: National Security Council

The President of the National Security Council of Montenegro convened the third session of the Council, called in accordance with Article 4, Paragraph 4 of the Council's Rules of Procedure, which allows for the session to be convened in less than five days for special reasons. Alongside Council members, special invitees included Chief Special Prosecutor Vladimir Novović, Supreme State Prosecutor Milorad Marković, Prime Minister's Defence and Security Adviser Todor Goranović, and representatives from the Council of the Agency for Personal Data Protection, Muhamed Gjokaj and Zoran Vujičić.

Key topics on the agenda included:

  1. Adoption of the minutes from the second session held on 23 February 2024
  2. Public surveillance in Podgorica, Bar, and Budva
  3. Review and analysis of conclusions from the first and second sessions
  4. Report on the Council's work from 15 November 2023 to 15 May 2024
  5. Formation of an interdepartmental commission to review strategic documents and legal acts in the domain of national security
  6. Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the National Security Council
  7. Current issues

With a majority of Council members present, valid decisions were made.

Topics discussed and conclusions reached:

  • The Council thoroughly discussed and adopted the Ministry of the Interior's report on the importance of using public surveillance for the national security system. It was noted that the surveillance system operates based on prior consent from the Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free Access to Information. The Council recommended continuous improvement of the surveillance system, balancing human rights protection with national security needs.
  • The Council prioritized finding solutions for the accelerated influx of foreigners during the tourist season without compromising the country's security.
  • The Council proposed establishing an interdepartmental commission to analyze all strategic documents, laws, and by-laws in the intelligence and security sector. The goal is to identify shortcomings and formulate recommendations to enhance national security policy.
  • The Council commended the Bureau for Operational Coordination of Security Services (BOK) and emphasised the importance of continuing the fight against organised crime and corruption. They highlighted the need to intensify activities on drafting relevant strategies.
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