Spajić, Ruge: Montenegro committed to regional stability, EU integration as a guarantee of prosperity for the Western Balkans

Published on: Sep 13, 2024 5:00 PM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Milojko Spajić hosted NATO Acting Deputy Secretary General Boris Ruge, reaffirming Montenegro's dedication as a credible NATO member and a key partner in strengthening regional security in the Western Balkans.

During the discussions, the importance of Montenegro's military contribution within the Alliance was emphasized.

Prime Minister Spajić highlighted that Montenegro has allocated 2.02% of its GDP for defence, further confirming the country's commitment and credibility within NATO.

It was underscored that NATO membership brings stability and peace, which are crucial prerequisites for accelerating European integration and providing significant support to Montenegro on its EU path. Stability also has a positive impact on attracting credible companies, ultimately contributing to economic development and improving living standards.

The importance of solidarity among NATO members and support for Ukraine was also emphasized. Prime Minister Spajić confirmed Montenegro’s strong support for Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

The role of NATO in stabilizing the Western Balkans was discussed, with Montenegro fully supporting the accession of all countries in the region to the EU and NATO.

It was concluded that Montenegro, as a responsible NATO member, continues to contribute to regional and global stability, remaining a strong and credible partner within the Alliance.

Milojko Spajić - Boris Ruge, v.d. zamjenika generalnog sekretara NATO-a
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