- Government of Montenegro
Spajić welcomes opposition's initiative for joint ...
Spajić welcomes opposition's initiative for joint work on EU reforms, says constitutionality of decisions should be left to competent authorities
Prime Minister Milojko Spajić welcomes the opposition's initiative toward the parliamentary majority to establish a constructive dialogue and ensure the efficient functioning of the Parliament.
The resumption of the Committee on Comprehensive Electoral Reform and the joint efforts of the government and opposition to close Chapters 23 and 24, as outlined in the opposition's demands, are undoubtedly high on the agenda for Montenegro's accelerated path to the European Union, stated Prime Minister Spajić.
The Prime Minister fully agrees with the position that amendments to the Constitution and the Law on Dual Citizenship will not proceed without the broadest possible consensus. This approach is part of the "Barometer 26" platform, supported by all members of the ruling majority and still open for consideration by the opposition.
On the other hand, I call on the opposition to leave the assessment of the Constitutional Committee's compliance to the competent institutions, in accordance with the jurisdiction of Montenegro's courts, concluded Prime Minister Spajić.