Strengthening the long-standing partnership between Montenegro and China

Deputy Prime Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Milun Zogović met with a delegation from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China, led by Ms. Lu Fangqing, Deputy Head of Mission and Chargé d'Affaires.

During the meeting, the parties discussed potential opportunities for further enhancing the traditionally strong relations between Montenegro and China. The bilateral ties have particularly advanced in the field of infrastructure, exemplified by the successful collaboration on the first section of the Bar-Boljare highway project.

Both sides recognised the potential for further exchange of knowledge and expertise in key areas, which could pave the way for deepened cooperation. They agreed that maintaining ongoing dialogue and concretizing initiatives for mutual knowledge and experience sharing is essential to fostering closer collaboration.

Milun Zogović - Lu Fangćing, zamjenica šefa misije i otpravnica poslova NR Kine
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