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ANB adopted the Integrity Plan

Published on: Dec 9, 2014 5:52 PM Author: ANB

The National Security Agency (ANB), aimed at establishing the mechanisms of legal and practical nature, in the period from April until November of this year,in accordance with planned and platform documents, took an active role in the realization of one of priority obligations,which is reflected in adoption of a particular by-law act - the Integrity Plan.

The Integrity Plan was adopted and come into force on 3 December 2014.

By the adopted Integrity Plan of the ANB, there were stipulated the measures for preventing and removing the possibilities regarding the occurence and development of corruption, which had been presented on the basisof assessment ofsusceptibility of job positions, specified by the Act on the internal organization and systematization in the ANB.

The objective of theIntegrity Plan ofthe ANB is that the employees, in the realization of their competences, continualy strengthen their legal, professional and ethic capabilities, develop procedures aimed at strengthening the capacity, efficiency and resiliance tothe possibility regarding the occurence and development of corruption, other illegal activities or non-ethic behaviour.

The aim to be achieved by adopting and enacting the Plan is the reduction of risk ofpossible corruptive activity and non-ethic behaviour of an employee to a minimum, which will contribute to the strengthening of responsibility and professionalism of every employee of the Agency.

Taking into account that the Act was adopted for the first time, there had been identified the most significant fields of possible risks which could endanger the overall integrity of the Agency and of its employees individually, whereby the very implementation of the Act will certainly show if the chosen mechanisms are sufficiently adequate, or they should be amended.

In accordance with the binding standard documents forthe purpose of drafting the Act, its integral parts arethe organizational structure of the Agency, as well as the Decisions on the establishement of the Working Group and appointment of the Manager of Integrity. Taking into account that the organizational structure of the Agency and the Personnel Records represent the classified data, and having in mind the established working positions, foreseen risks, control measures and persons in charge for risk response, the overall content of the Act was classified as “SECRET’’ by the Agency Director’s Decision.

Adoption and implementation of the Integrity Plan will contirbute to the strengthening of trust of citizens, civil sector and the democtatic public in the work of the National Security Agency.

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