Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Third Session of the Bureau for Operational Coordination Was Held

Published on: Apr 3, 2015 6:00 AM Author: ANB

Bureau for Operational Coordination and harmonization of the work of the bodies constituting the security and intelligence sector held its third session, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and the Bureau Coordinator, Duško Marković.

In the session, the Bureau was introduced with the conclusions from the third session of the National Security Council, held on 17 March 2015, as well as with the activities of the bodies constituting the Bureau, on the realization of conclusions from previous sessions in regard of the defined top priorities.

In view of the current security situation and recent events, the topic of the session was especially focused on the procedure of competent bodies on the occasion of providing security of the football match between Montenegro and Russia, played on 27 March 2017. In that context, the Bureau was introduced with both the activities and procedures of the State Prosecutor’s Office and the Police Directorate, on the occasion of the public mischief concerning the aforementioned event.

It was stated that all protagonists who, in accordance with the Law on Prevetion of Violence and Disorderly Conduct during sports events, were oblidged to assume measures aimed at providing security to the event, did not take all necessary steps, and in that sense, the Bureau issued a recommendation to the competent institutions investigate in full all circumstances, aimed at identifying the responsibility in accordance with obligations and competences.
The session also resulted in reaching appropriate conclusions and recommendations in regard of joint cooperation, coordination and operational harmonization of the activities of the law enforcement bodies.
The session of the Bureau was, upon invitation, also attended by the Supreme State Prosecutor.

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