Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Proposal of the Law on Budget of Montenegro for 2016 Was Considered

Published on: Dec 14, 2015 6:00 AM Author: Parliament of Montenegro

At today's continued 50th session, the Committee for Defence and Security along with the presence of representatives of the proposer of the Law, and representatives of consumer's units from the security and defence fields, considered the Proposal of the Law on Budget of Montenegro for 2016, in the part which referred to the consumer's units: Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Interior, and National Security Agency. A special attention was dedicated to the realization of activities of the institutions in the mentioned fields, as well as to necessary means for their effective conducting in the upcoming 2016.

After a comprehensive discussion, the Committee, among other things, stated that means for consumer's units in the security and defence fields, were effectively defined, assessing that they would enable realization of the planned activities and work, according to the defined competences. The Committee assessed, as a positive thing, the current trend of increase of the planned amount intended for the fields, pointing out the importance of equipping and modernization, in accordance with the determined standards and permanent strengthening personnel and material capacities in the mentioned fields, according to the NATO standards, as well as achieving the full interoperability within the defence and security fields.

Also, the Committee assessed that it was important to consider a possibility to find out a solution in regard of modernization of aircraft and helicopter unit within the Ministry of Interior.

Especially taking into consideration the importance of preventive activities with aim of decreasing the fire risk, the Committee indicated as necessary to assign some additional financial means for acquisition of a fire-fighting aircraft in reference to proposed means for the consumer's unit – Ministry of Interior, for 2016.

Followed a thorough debate, the Committee, by a majority vote, passed the Opinion that the means for the consumer's units within security and defence fields, stated in the Proposal of the Law on Budget of Montenegro for 2016, were effectively defined, as well as that they would enable acting in accordance with the prescribed competences.

Concerning the initiative of the Council for Civilian Control of Police Work, forwarded by the Committee for Economy, Finance, and Budget, the reference number 00-63-7/15-95/10, dated December 8, 2015, the Committee, recognizing the content of explanation, aimed at increasing the proposed budget and strengthening the program activities, conspicuousness, accessibility to citizens, and transparency of the work of the body, evaluated the presented proposal as justified and appropriate.        

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