Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Abazović delivers lecture at Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade

Published on: Sep 25, 2023 3:30 PM Author: Public Relations Service of the Government of Montenegro

Prime Minister Dritan Abazović delivered a lecture at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade, where the National Coalition for Decentralisation organised a series of lectures as part of the Masterclass programme on political and electoral systems entitled "From Democracy to Authoritarianism and Back."

Prime Minister Abazović spoke on the topic of "The party system in Montenegro after the August changes."

On 30 August, a political earthquake occurred. Previously, due to the predictability of elections, the citizens of Montenegro did not believe that their vote mattered. The greatest legacy is not the replacement of one party by another but the restoration of sovereignty to the citizen, Abazović emphasised while speaking on the subject.

Abazović indicated that we must transition from a politically authoritarian society to a society of compromise where everyone is important, every party, and every voter, with no political monopoly, and that the significance of 30 August 2020 lies precisely in this.

The biggest challenge of democratisation is convincing people that the centre of decision-making is not a single address or a single person. The problem in today's Montenegro is that people do not take responsibility. If I had a magic wand and could change one thing, that would be it, said the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Abazović answered numerous questions from attending students, professors, and the interested public.

Responding to questions about the economy in Montenegro, Abazović stated that the economy should follow production and that through the hard work of the 43rd Government, the state no longer spends more than it earns, and everything else is a "casino economy" that leads to the collapse of the system.

The biggest supporters of this Government leaving are people from the criminal milieu who suffered significant blows in the previous period. These are people who have more money than the state has in its treasury, Abazović indicated when discussing the fight against crime and corruption, adding that it is difficult to find a country that has delivered better results in the fight against cigarette and drug smuggling than Montenegro. That's why we had to pay a political price and be in the crosshairs of the political machine gun. Montenegro will only get a stable Government when it further decimates organised crime, Abazović emphasised.

Speaking about political pressures that marked the political scene in the past, Abazović noted that today, anyone who wants to work honestly and for the benefit of Montenegro has a place in the 43rd Government, regardless of their national or party affiliation.

We will never give up inclusive messages because that's what Montenegro deserves. Whether someone is Montenegrin, Serbian, Albanian... that's just a plus in Montenegro, concluded Abazović.

Dritana Abazovića ugostio dekan FPN-a u Beogradu prof. dr Dragan Simić uoči predavanja
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