Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Abazović engages with Tulane University students: Montenegro from Yugoslavia to the EU

Published on: Sep 23, 2023 9:15 AM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Dritan Abazović delivered a panel lecture to students at Tulane University in New Orleans yesterday. He engaged with political science students from this prestigious university on the topic "Montenegro from Yugoslavia to the EU."

Abazović provided students with a detailed account of Montenegro's journey from independence to NATO membership, along with the contemporary challenges that Montenegro faces on its path towards EU accession.

Our example is unique in the world. From the inception of our parliamentary life to the first democratic changes, more than 100 years have passed. However, with the dismantling of political monopolies, things are moving faster now, but the quest for social consensus continues, Abazović explained to the students.

The Prime Minister also discussed how the process of establishing the rule of law had been impeded in systems that had enjoyed unchanging governance for many years, along with the need for Montenegro to embrace an open economic model. He reiterated that Montenegro was the most promising country in the region, and that the EU should open its doors to new members, particularly in light of the situation in Ukraine.

Students were eager to learn about Montenegro's relationship with the United States and the secrets behind successful neighborly relations. Tulane University, ranked among the top 50 universities in the world, boasts renowned scholars such as Walter Isaacson, who gifted Prime Minister Abazović his latest biography, focusing on Elon Musk.

Dritan Abazović sa studentima Univerziteta Tulan
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