Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Abazović meets with Ambassador of Finland: Montenegro supports Finland's request to become a NATO member

Published on: May 16, 2022 1:45 PM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Dritan Abazović met with non-resident Ambassador of Finland to Montenegro Kimmo Lähdevirta. Montenegro supports Finland's request to become a NATO member. It is in the common interest for Europe to be strong and united in defending the values of civilization. We expect even stronger support from Finland in our efforts to become the first next member of the EU, said PM Abazović.

Prime Minister Abazović and Ambassador Lähdevirta assessed that the bilateral relations between Montenegro and Finland are good and friendly, based on the principles of openness, agreeing that there is room for improving cooperation in many areas.

The Prime Minister pointed out that Montenegro is a reliable partner of EU member states and a responsible NATO ally, especially in emphasising and protecting the right of all nations to choose their own path.

Montenegro strongly supports the open door policy and the right of every country to independently define foreign policy priorities and choose its own security arrangements without the influence of third parties. The request for NATO membership is the sovereign right of every state, and it is up to all allies to make a decision on membership, said PM Abazović.

Prime Minister Abazović thanked Ambassador Lähdevirta for Finland's support so far in Montenegro's European integration, expressing expectation that it will continue to provide support in the future. The Government is firmly determined to persevere in reform activities, in order to complete the process of accession negotiations in a high quality way and become the first next member of the EU, Prime Minister Abazović emphasised.

Ambassador Lähdevirta congratulated Abazović on his appointment as Prime Minister of Montenegro and praised Government's priorities based on the rule of law and economic development, adding that their implementation will help Montenegro to join the EU as soon as possible.

The officials agreed that it is necessary to strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries, primarily through attracting investments from Finland to Montenegro and increasing trade, both bilaterally and through regional organisations.

Dritan Abazović - Kimo Lahdevirta,  ambasador Republike Finske (16.05.2022.)
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